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Cheap Mods To Help Me Like My New Banshee More.

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I would't switch the coil wires. The ignition system relies on a specific resistance to work properly. Although switching the wires may increase power, it could as well damage your coil, CDI wich is expensive or burn out your stator.


Cheapest mod is to take the snorkel off, then cut a half moon in the back of the lid. You will need to rejet to take advantage of the increased airflow. That is the cheapest mod I know of.

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Lightening the flywheel, and shaving the head down will help improve throttle response and make it feel like a completely different bike. :o Shaving the head will increase power some, but both mods combined will definitely be something worthwhile and relatively cheap for the gains you get out of them... right around $100 shipped for the both... ;)

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dual stage reeds.....it'll completely change the way you ride your quad.  The stock reeds suck worse then a man having his first homosexual experience

You can also port your cages for free. Ive never done it but I've herd it's good.

Here is a link that was posted by someone.


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