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Change Of Heart..

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I posted a few days ago about me thinking about trading my shee in on a street bike. Well I have decided I cant let the shee go. The more i thought about it the more I realized I would kick myself in the ass.Maybe I can find a cheap used bike to buy but I am not parting with my shee. What was I thinking??? Somebody say a prayer for me.. :D

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damn felon me and you both are in the sam frekin boat i got a whole assload of cash i could let go of and build a 15000 dollar bike but i cant let my self do it.i am saving at the moment to get a house a few yrs down the road and throwin nickles and dimes in parts at me z400 so i got sumthin to ride for the summer but i cant get another shee untill next yr. i sold most of my bike over the last few weeks and have hated every moment of it. yeh i love the money but it sucks when i cant spend it. and ass for jerry good call man i also pondered the street bike gig but realized i like to ride yr round and am perfectly happy with my quads but instead i went ahead and sold my bike and began to discover what hell was.

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patience my friend. i made the mistake of selling a bike b4 to pay off a debt, and regret it to this day. hold out, you'll really appreciate it when you have a bike and a quad to ride. my buddies and neighbors think i'm loaded or something. i have a cbr600, my wife's 250 ninja, my 'shee, my firebird, my blazer, my wifes z24, and just built a new house a few years ago, and have a 2 yr old girl. the thing is, i started with my firebird about 12 years ago. paid one thing off, and moved on to the next, and continued that way. it's taken me 12 years to get what i have now, but everyone sees it all at once and thinks i've had a lot of $$ to throw around. it's not all new but all in great condition. take care of what you have and make it last. then you can gradually get everything you want without giving something else up. good luck. B)

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Thats funny milo, I was just going to suggest that bansheejerry look into getting a CBR600, but I see you've already found the best bang for your buck on the street. My first street bike was a CBR600; fast, bullet proof, looks good, alot more comfortable than the ZX6 I had after the CBR, and pretty inexpensive too. Get about a 93' to 97' with less than 30K miles for cheap and you'll be happy.

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my cbr is a '92, and i bought it in 96. right now it has about 16,000 miles on it and is in prime condition. best of all, it's been paid for for about 6 years. anyone who sees it and doesn't know years etc by looking at it, asks me if it's new. i love my cbr, but i don't get out on it as much as i'd like lately. i'm hooked on the shee too, and most of my freetime outside of work and family is spent on my shee instead. i hope to balance it out some this summer.

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