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Pual Turner Mid/range Pipes


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I was just at the track today and the guy I met was running a Banshee with Paul tuner midrange pipes. He says they are the best midrange on the market. Better then the 2 to 1 for low and mid range power. The bike sounded MEAN! Plus it was a trinity motor on a leager's chasis. That think could move too.

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The PT Mids run the highest power of any mid pipe according to Banchetta. They are the strongest and very very good pipes. However, you do pay for them. I run Fatties myself and love them. I would've bought the PTs but, $$$. I'm too cheap. Plus, the fatties handle mods extremely well.


The pro circuits are supposed to be an all around pipe, but they are more of a top end pipe than a mid pipe. The PT mids are way stronger in the midrange, and have a good top also.

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