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Bleeding Brakes


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I just went through this shit today, and yesterday. I still smell like DOT4. <_<


On the fronts, you have to squeeze the brake lever, and release the check valve on the caliper. Close the check valve and release the lever. I did one side 3-4 times, then did the other side, and kept going back and forth until there was no more spongyness.


However, today my dad and I discovered that we had an air lock in front of the primary cup on the master cylinder. We couldn't get the lever to push the master piston in far enough to push this air out, so we pushed the piston in as far as we could with the end of a screwdriver, opened the bleeder valve, closed the bleeder valve, then released the master piston. It took a little bit to get it all out, but once we did, we could resume bleeding the usual way.

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Piece of cake... hook up a small clear hose on each bleeder fitting. Only open a fitting to release/bleed air when the hose is submerged in brake fluid(use a small bottle). Tightening the bleeder fitting while holding the brake depressed. Go back and forth between the two sides until the fluid is clear with no air bubbles, just make sure you keep the reservior full.

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  • 3 years later...

Mityvac ftw. That is definately the best thing ever. I spent like 3 hours pumping the front brakes yesterday with no improvement. Got on here last night searched it, and went straight to autozone this morning. I could not believe the amount of air that was in the lines. It was amazing I would have been pumping the brakes for days. Thanks for the help guys.

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Bleeding brakes isnt to bad onece you get it to intially start. Going from a completly dry system is a pain. I let mine sit over night and then I could finally start to pump fluid and get them to bleed.


I have herd of people taking an old rez cap and drilling a hole in it. Turn you air compresser down and shoot 10 lbs of air in to help the brake system prime.

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Bleeding brakes isnt to bad onece you get it to intially start. Going from a completly dry system is a pain. I let mine sit over night and then I could finally start to pump fluid and get them to bleed.


I have herd of people taking an old rez cap and drilling a hole in it. Turn you air compresser down and shoot 10 lbs of air in to help the brake system prime.

yea im starting from dry lines so its going to be a pain... the pressure thing work good but i dont have an extra cap. and i dont feel like sitting there all day messing with it, so ima grab a mityvac and be done with it

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I just went through this last week when I replaced my lines & it was a major pain even with a MightyVac. What you need to do is crack the lines first & pump the brake lever until you get fluid down to the calipers, after that you can hook up the MightyVac. It took me two days with just the straight vac, I have done dirtbikes like that before but it is always one larger line only.

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