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12 Port

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12 port strokers are $475.00 and 350's are $450.00. Sounds like alot ,but the work involved to build those baby's is unreal. It takes me 20 hours to build just one set...do the math on that one....Its not your average port job by any means...Jim

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I have ridden a 350 80 over with 2 extra intake ports and a hot rods crank and it had tons of torque. My boss had his done that way and was not sure if it would work but he saw it work wonders on snowmobiles. I am not sure what he will charge me but your price is not bad for the amount of work it takes to add the ports around the piston. I just want to make sure I don't get ripped off.

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Do a search on Passion Racing---you will find all positive feedback and some bragging about Jims work---This man will please you with his whole business style-straight-honest and Fast----did I say Fast-very fast!!!!!The only way you could be happier ---if he sent it free!!!!!!------but--------Jim has to EAT too!!!!!

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