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I have a set of 19cc domes and I'm building a short rod stroker motor. There is a machine shop next to my work and the guy will cut my domes for free. Problem is, that I don't know if there is anything special about cuting .80 off of them. If anyone could tell or show me in a picture how to cut them I would appreciate it.

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It's pretty difficult to make stroker domes out of pre-existing domes. If the squish band is cut out 2mm you will turn a 19cc dome in to something like a 13cc stroker dome. If the chamber is reworked to maintain the volume, the spark plug would be sticking down into the chamber unless you made it a flat-top chamber like an alky dome. Patriot racing makes stroker domes if you decide to buy some.

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David, do you cut alky domes also? I am going to be needing a set soon.


Dan at Patriot would be better for the alky domes. I have made some to other people's specs but am no expert on them.

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Mooney, caps lock button.  It is located right next to the "a" key, and directly under the "tab" key.  You need to locate this.  And use it.  ;)

yeah sorry i am at work and we have to type everything in caps here i forget what i am doing until its too late.

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