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Ozzy Was On A Banshee!


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Well I can kind of see where Jacks comin from, when i first rode a Banshee I could of swore i was goin 90 in 4th gear.  Who knows, he could be a beginner in the ATV scene.  But I still cant stop laughin, haha 150 on a bone stock shee.  :P

I don't think that thing could get up to 60 with Jack's fat ass on it, let alone 150.

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Sheerdr Look at the big picture. About 98% of the news media are liberals. In other words Democrats inviromentalists, who want to get rid of those ring ding ding two strokes. If using Ozzy and his accident to sway peoples minds against four-wheelers, then they will say about anything to make the accident look really bad and the four-wheeler out to be a 150 mile per hour, 600 lb monster. :angry:


The news media won't go to Glamis or anywhere else for that matter, and show the 299900 people having a good clean family fun time together. No!!! They focus on the 100 Boobs who are drunk and running around. Or some greaving family who had a member ran over or broke up in a freek accident. About the only thing I believe on TV any more is football scores and sometimes the weather. :angry::angry:

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well im here. it is mph, everthing here is mph. 150......does that let me off the hook? i think because the news people didnt say much about how bad atv`s are, its more likely that tree huggers and the health and safety people will come out and kick up f*ck about them.

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This type of liberal rhetoric has been going on for years and the atv industry has thrived.

I'm going to date myself here and go back to the mid 80's. Gary Collins had a TV talk show kind of like Oprah and Donahue. He had a greiving mother on that was crying big tears for her dead son. Don't get me wrong here. I would to, but for different reasons. She stated that no one had told her of the dangers of the atv she bought for her son. And that she figured it would be a "great babysitter". So she stuck an unprepared/unsupervised child on a quad and he proceeded to impale himself on a tree limb. All the time she blamed the industry and the dealer for not informing her. I don't know about you guys, but my dad spent time w/me showing me the finer points of riding my 1st minibike. Just like I have done w/ my son. On this same show they showed video of a young man jumping a utility quad of the day. Remember these were no where near what they are today. Of course he was only wearing shorts and tennis shoes. It endoed and rolled over him. The statement was made that these machines are extremely dangerous.

I agree. that machine almost killed that young man. I have been hurt the worst on a quad, but the quad didn't taunt me into it. IT was my ego and balls that did it.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is through this the industry has taken numerous pot shots from uninformed groups, and still has grown to what it is today and will continue to grow with the support of people like us. Just my $.02, well maybe $.25.


PS. I have a mildly modified banshee. Do you think I can squeeze 190-200mph out of it :D

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All of that mis information goes to show you guys just how stupid the liberal media is.

I can find the dry weight on this thing in 2 seconds by opening my owners manual. And it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that 150 mph is REALLY REALLY FAST!!!!!!!! and un attainable on something like this atv.

I hate the news. CNN and ABC are the worst imho. I cant stand Katie Couric either. What really pisses me off, are these people (reporters) are idiots, and they make more in one year than I'll see in my lifetime.

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150 MPH?? LMMFAO!!! It takes everything that a 600cc sport bike has to get to 150... And a four wheeler, with non speed rated tires is going to crack 150? oh boy.... :o These people are idiots.... I don't understand why they friggin' pull this nonsense. yep. (going back to the lady whimpering about not knowing the dangers) You have got to be kidding me. Kid has no experience. Shouldn't have been on one, and I'll bet she won a lawsuit. I swear there should be the idiot ruling in which someone looks at a case, and just says, "nope, this one is bull shit" and ten fires it into the shredder. The common sense ruling. I really hope that people aren't as stupid as they claim to be...... God help us if they are..... :unsure:

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In todays weakend society or should i say pussified country people can't think for themself without others sueing or something and disscourging them of using common sense. Only a brainless idiot would think "Oh It's ok to ride a atv without getting hurt and that tree branch won't affect my riding". Or "I'm gonna get some air and back flip cause this atv will always land on all 4 tires." LOL come on don't blame the damn atv for ones dumn commmon senseless actions. This country is getting worse everyday almost too sickening to deal with it. why doesn't someone put an end to it before we self destruct!!!

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