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Street Legal Banshee


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BansheeBrian is correct, if your from Europe you can register it as a "tractor" believe it or not. If your in the US, there's only 1 way I know of to get the Banshee street legal... Suzuki GSXR or similar engine. Try something like a Hyabusa engine in your Shee & lemme know how it works out for ya. If your gonna do something, do it BIG. =)

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Don't know 'bout USA legislation, but it certainly is possible here in South Africa.

Registered as a "quadrucycle" when I bought it new from the dealer.

I had the dealer fit a relay for the direction indicator lights, (not too sure about the wiring, but I can check when I get home).

Fitted enduro bike indicator lights whith quick connectors, a 12V horn, cheap-ass rear view mirror from a mountain bike shop and that was it. The indicators would barely flash at idle, but rev it up a bit and they flash nicely.


Cops were all over me the first week that I had it back in 2000, but now they leave me alone.

It is not strictly roadworthy, the 2000 didn't come with the brake light, but none of the cops ever picked it up.

Since then I've removed the indicators, horn and mirror and the cops don't bother me much. I ride quietly (if such a thing is at all possible on a Shee) by short shifting as much as possible until I get to the trail.


Since then the registration plate has snapped off a dozen times and I subsequently replaced it with a reflective decal that I stuck inside the left rear fender. Not really visible from behind when you're on the bike. HeHe


I don't commute with it or use it as transport much, but tyres don't last long, Shredders, Razr's, Holeshots tried them all. Most of the pavement riding is done just to go for a quick spin around my favourate trail, other than that the bike is hauled to where I'm going.

g350, I'm not anywhere close to my bike for at least another week, but if you're keen I can check on the wiring if you wish.



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Emission aren't the problem, remember the banshee motor came from a street bike. The best thing todo is talk to an offical in your state to see what has to be on the bike like signals, speedometer, mirrors, metal gas tank etc. All states are different.

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It is not impossible to do in the US. Actually in Arizona, it is quite easy. High/low beams, a horn, rear view mirror, turn signals (I think), brake lights, and register it in any but 2 of the countys here because they require an emmissions test. However, if you do this you would be a complete jackass. Just because you have a street legal Banshee does not mean that you are going to be able to ride it on the road. If you think for one second that the cops are not going to harrass the shit out of you, you have got another thing comming. Every cop that saw you would pull you over, write you as many tickets as possible, and now you have to go to court. Then you have to show the judge that the cop was in the wrong which takes a huge ammount of tie and money. Now get used to this happening on a regual basis. Even though something can be done in a perfectally legal manner, that does not mean that the cops aren't going to make it the biggest pain in the ass, and not even worth you time.

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