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How many people went last time?

There's wasnt a last time.


Are you guys full throttle everywere or do you take your time?

I like to ride at a brisk pace, but im usually riding by myself. If coalfest goes down, we'll be takin the trails slow. Just cruizin' speeds. I'll take yas on a tour of the place, its about 10 miles from end to end. There's a few popular riding areas amungst the 10 mile tract, so we'll just take our time when we're ride from spot to spot. I dont think it would be a good idea to go flyin' around the trails with a pile of guys who never rode here b4 and besides everyone has a different skill level. If you guys wanna rip through the woods, up a mountain side, I can do that. I have a 3 mile loop that I ride. It starts on a pole line 1\4 way up the mountain side, we'd hop off the pole line and up a nice wide trail that has four or five 50 yard uphills. You hold it WOT and fly up the hills, and your in the dark woods the whole time. This trail takes you right to the very top of the mountain, which we can ride the top for a good 2 miles till we meet up with the trail that takes you back down. You can ride this whole loop WOT as fast as you can, its a nice trail and the rocks arent' too bad. About 3\4 way up to the top of the mountain, the trail splits and you can take the easy way to the top or the hard way. The hard way is a gas line trail cutout through the woods, it goes straight to the top, 50 yards long and nothing but rocks all the way up. Its a challenge.

In this pic you can see the badass 50 yard rocky uphill near the top of the mountain.





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Meat thanks for the post. While talking to another HQ member that sounds like a awesome place (Strippins) to ride. I am pushing for Memorial day weekend. This would give most of us an extra day to travel, approximqtely 4 hours for me in central NY. Plus I heard that the holidays are wild there.



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holidays tend to bring staties.....and a lot of people have to do family things on memorial day weekend and such. I'm not sure on a date or anything but it's gotta be warm enough to camp at night, so late spring after the rainy season mainly comes through I would think would be a good time, when it gets up into the 75-85 degree range during the day and 50's at night.


I like to ride hard....but its hard to with a pack of people up there, the dust kicks up something fierce and you gotta stay back quite a ways, or be on top of the person in front of you so you can stand up and ride above his dust ploom. It'd be hard to ride hard in a pack if you dont know exactly which way to go, theirs all sorts of intersecting trails and Y's and such that you could go one way while the group went the other.....and its not very hard to get lost.

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