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it's never open from my understanding .. u will be trespassing from what meat said.. its not legal to ride there.so u will be taking a chance if u ride there anytime .. thats what i got from it .




Now with that said, iv never had a single problem riding here, 20 years and counting. No run-ins with the staties and no problems with the coal company. The coal company that owns the land is based 60 miles out of town.


his exact words

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hey meat, I was thinking today, I think I remember you said you were gonna make up some maps of where main locations are or something to that degree.


I was also thinkin you might wanna one day grab a can or 2 of spraypaint, 2 or 3 colors, and go make a couple cool trails that others could follow, that dont know their way around the place.


With a bigger group riding it would make it easier to see where people went when the dust clears in front of you, and you could plan before everyone heads out, a red for like a main route, and then a veer off to blue, or orange etc etc. Get what I'm saying?


When I was down at Hatfield-McCoy last year, they have numbered posts for the trails, and my buddy and I, just the two of us, planned an attack from top to bottom of the trailhead, and then just ripped through it. Was some of the best riding I've ever experienced. Like 3 hours of pure hardcore ripping it up, no trail gone over twice, and only 2 breaks for me to lighten up my gas can on my back.


Man I wish I could go.

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abyss you ain t going?i m saving this beater i got just to go,i wanna meet the guys i been typing at for the last i dunno how many years.you gotta see this peice.if it does the agony of defeat down a big coal hill i won t be heart broken.

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is there an internet cafe anywere near by?

Not that I know of.... we do have coal, churches and alot of barrooms tho. Cell phone service is available, so bring yer phones.....



Abyss, we're planning on marking out some trials that will lead to popular riding spots within' the strippins. We have access to alot of oak, I work at a lumber company, so we're gonna whip up a pile of oak arrows and mark the area. We'll keep your color coding idea in mind.

With a bigger group riding it would make it easier to see where people went when the dust clears in front of you, and you could plan before everyone heads out, a red for like a main route, and then a veer off to blue, or orange etc etc. Get what I'm saying?
When we first starting planning this ride, I was figuring on maybe 15 to 20 riders and we'd be able to follow the leader to different areas, but now its looking like there might be alot more guys showing up, and I dont know if 30+ quads could ride and stay together, we'd be riding at a snails pace so no one gets left behind or if the dust is bad. So now we're thinking... forget the guided trail ride and just mark some of the main trails and then also mark a few oddball trails that me and my buddies enjoy ripping up. GPS, bring your GPS and you guys should be able to go ride all weekend long and not get bored. Camp will be less than 2 miles from big "coal hill", we'll have trail markers going to Coal Hill and im bettin' that alot of guys will spend most of the weekend just riding at the Coal Hill area.


NYUK, abyss aka (.) is sayin' he's got family plans for that weekend :rolleyes: whatcha gonna do, guess the family comes first. There's always next year. :cheers: And bring that beater up here and we'll get her muddy for ya.


Minkia38, bring as many guys as you can con into going. ROAD TRIP :headbang: !!!!


I had a guy PM me the other day and asked if he and a few of his 250r riding buddies could hang out at coalfest, so we'll have some Honda riders as company. Holler 250r guy, who are you and whats your story. Everyone's welcome BTW, I just hope camp is big enuf and we dont have any police problems.


RustyRider04 got some prices on a 54 gallon drum of VP at the shop where he works, but he's still working on getting a good deal, he'll post a price asap. Are you guys still interested in a 54 gallon drum ?? C12 or what ???


The weather here has been cold and wet and we havent done any work on the basecamp yet. I plan on going out and organinzing the campsite this weekend. There's alot of work to be done, we're gonna clean up the camp, cut down a bunch of trees, collect firewood, make a big fire ring, make a drag strip, make trail markers, mark trails, clean up the access road, and mark GPS locations. Lots of work to be done and the date is getting close. I'll get yas some more pictures this weekend.

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RustyRider04 got some prices on a 54 gallon drum of VP at the shop where he works, but he's still working on getting a good deal, he'll post a price asap. Are you guys still interested in a 54 gallon drum ?? C12 or what ???



Yup, still interested. Chase how bout you and your buddy?

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The C12 stuff ?? And RR04 said the VP is sold in 54 gallons, not 55. Also said 30 gallon cans were available. What about a pump, I might be able to borrow a 55 gallon drum pump from my job, but if you got yer own pump, bring it.


Also.... does anyone else have any good idea's like Abyss\. wrote about trail markings.

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Sorry bout that Meat, yeah the C12. I don't have a pump but would be willing to invest in one since I plan to buy C12 by the barrel in the future. It all depends on who else is interested whether we go for the 54 or 30. Depending on price I may even buy the 54 and sell however much on its face value then take the rest home. If I can get say 25 gals presold I could come up with the rest. If not, we could look into a 30 gallon barrel.

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Okay, who's staying in a hotel and who's camping. Looks like my wife and kids will be coming too. I'll probably have to stay in a hotel since I can't pull the camper and quads. I'd rather camp but at least I'll get to ride.


For those of you who are bringing the family, lets plan where were staying. Maybe we can crash the hotel with a party... lol.

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