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Whats the premise for legality for riding in PA? My bike isnt registered, insured, liscenced, pasturized.......nothing. I think its supposed to here, I dont really care becasue of where I ride, but out of state I would be alittle more concerned about being legal. Is having a "stealth" bike a problem?

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BIRDMAN 1, yes its true.... they torn down the old breaker buildings near coal hill. They took em down about a month ago. Looks wierd.


Hotels. I'll hook you guys up with some hotel names, locations and phone numbers asap.


Sandman, there are fish in some of the lakes. You can catch a billion bluegills. I know of one secluded water hole full of bass. we call it "the basshole". :) You can see the bass swimmin' around the basshole, the bitch is trying to find a good place to cast....... the lake is surrounded by fairly steep coal banks, so your fighting the bank the whole time your fishing. The best way to fish it is from a boat. We used to take a canoe out and catch fish all day. the basshole will only be 2 miles from camp. 5 minute ride on the quad. bring your fishin rods and give it a shot.


Rebelbanshee I have no idea. The few quads iv owned iv never had one with a title. Never had any insurance either. Never bought a registration sticker.

Does everone understand that the land we'll be riding on, is private property owned by a coal mining company thats located 75 miles away. We will be tresspassing. I need everyone to understand that there is a legal risk riding here. With that said, in 20 years of riding here iv never had a single problem, never ran into any security gaurds, never been chased, never been fined, never had a "close call", never had any problems at all. As long as we're all civilized, we shouldnt have any problems. Please dont bring any fireworks. Please bring plenty of gas, goggles, skidplates, and tire plugs. A chest protector and a kidney belt are good items to bring along. I think we found our campsite last sunday. We scouted about 6 different places and took a bunch of pictures.


coalfest camp shovel ???


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Yea...CoalFest!!!...count me in...i'll bring the fireworks ;) ... :cheers: ...CAN'T wait to have a BIG BUSH PARTY...make sure u hook us up with some lumber for the fire!! :flame:

A CRAZY shout out to you all!!!

Well let me say i'm Del...MEATS friend...I'm also HOOked on the 2 stroke shee..its the only woman for me!!!...i use to ride, still do, but shouldn't and still i do...Just like toolin around on the blaster thats in my garage cause the Banshee i use to ride dissappeared :(


Which i think was a good thing for my health, otherwise i'd probably be in a wheelchair sooner than i thought...ouch :shootself:

I've been kepping up on all the coalfest issues with meat and been reading all the replys on CoalFest here...and i finally got time to sit down and write some shit down....well let me tell ya, no matter what the weather, its going to be a F$#%'in...rippin' good time!!

Can't wait to meet ya all.

Hey, anyway i'll be at CoalFest for sure (bar'in any weddings) and no, not mine...but i'll just be hangin out at the site to take care of the injured...lol....but i still might take a short slow ride..ahhhhhahaha...yea SLOW!!! the whole time i wrote that i was laughin.

As for the tresspassing issues, i myself spent most of my life in the strippins and never had any problems/run'ins :ph34r: with the law.

BTW...wheather your coming alone or with others...there are a lot of accomadations around...but at that time of the year i would have to recommend www.knoebels.com....but for those who are alone or want to camp...bring your gear...we will be camping (rough'in it :flush: ) ...hurrah!!! :headbang:

But knoebels does have Cabins and Tent sites as well as camper hook-ups...it is, like meat sad, several miles from where well be...but a nice place for the wives and kids..i know the people that run the campsite...if u have any problems just ask for jerry and tell her Del said HI...lol..

As for a date for CoalFest....i would have to say you got a 50/50 shot for nice/bad weather anyday....so lets just say June 25-27 with a rain date on July 16-18 just in case of severe weather...and a little time to change your plans for the rain date...so now would be a good time to find arrangements....

That is if everyone agrees or comes up with other times?

Just would like to say i enjoy reading some of the threds in here...ROFLMAO!!!

Keep up the good work guys/ladies...and keep it






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How many banshees are we looking at? 15-25??


Good question. can we try to get a headcount. whos comin' and who ya bringin' with ya. whos riding what ?


Me and my son Alex will be there. I'll be on my yellow banshee and alex will be riding his blaster. alex is 12 yrs old and this is his second year riding the Blaster. He's still a novice but he's fearless. Alex rode a nice piped KX 60 for 3 years or so. We still have that bike and im going to sell it soon. Anyone lookin for a nice KX60?? Me and Alex plan on camping out Friday night and Saturday nights. So far the headcount is 2. :ph34r::ph34r:


I wanna hear 25 banshees at once. :headbang:


I think we found our basecamp. We're going to go back out and check one or two more spots, but we're pretty sure we found camp. That big giant coal shovel, in the picture a few posts up, is right near camp. I want to setup a drag strip. What kinda of distances should I setup ?? I was thinking of marking off 100 yards and 300 yards. I dunno, I dont drag race much. We have a nice spot picked out for drag racing :) We'll be about 2 miles from Coal Hill, a 5 minute ride from the hill. The dirt road leading to camp is old and its got a puddle or two but in general the road is pretty good. No one should get stuck and trailers should be fine. A car could drive back to camp, but Id recommend a truck or van. The camp is wooded and nice trail runs right up the middle of camp. There seems to be alot parking space too. That big coal shovel is right there in camp. Its big. We're gonna clean the place up really nice and try to make some flat level campsites. Im taking a tent. Everyone bring your own food and drinks. I'm bringing a few of my soupies. I'll bet rustyrider brings a few soupies too. :) Rustyrider, maybe some boilo :headbang:

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Hi all, I`ve been gone for quite awhile, lots of new names. I had tried to get a coalfest get together started for the last couple summers, but it never happened, well looks like a sure bet this year. I havnt rode my shee since last fall( got a Harley, kind of lost interest, for awhile) but I`m sure she`ll fire up for another ride. so count me in and a friend or two(on shee`s). finally gonna meet the Meat!!!! Mark

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