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03 ORANGE SHEE, could you please edit your pictures so they're not so big. On my 17 inch monitor I have to side scroll the page to read the replies. If you go to the Banshee Zone, and go to the Coal Hill section, I have all the pictures you sent me. But I edited them up so they are internet freindly. Find your Coal Hill pictures on the Banshee Zone, then post the smaller\edited versions so we dont have to side scroll anymore. Thanks, just holler if you need help finding your pictures on the Banshee Zone, they are all found at the "The Strippins\Coal Hill" section of the banshee zone.


Here's another really nice picture taken from Chencer.com, showing Coal Hill. Try to picture the size of an ATV sitting at the base of the hill....


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I have some pictures that I plan on putting up on my web site that were taken 30,000 ft up and they show the area that we call the stripins and coal hill. They are huge, I mean really super big file size (50+MB) so I am hoping I can keep the quality. I have a gps and I'm planning on making markers on this pic of there gps location so once you get here you can find these places on your own if you would like, Also this will give you a pretty good Idea of how much riding were talking about. Meat and I are planning on scoping out some good spots to camp. IMHO, Cops shouldn't be a problem as long as everybody stays cool. No Guns, No fire works is real good advice. I'll put up some links as soon as I get this done.

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Meat, I don't doubt it. Trouble at the moment is I have alot of shizzle going on. but, by that time, with the proper planning, and with an amusement park nearby, this could be a go!!!! I would be willing to take a Friday off of work, and come on down on Thurs. night. Got to the amusement park on Friday with the family and what not, and then ride!!!! Maybe by then, I'll have me a little wheeler for the kid. We'll see. either way, I DESPERATELY want to ride there!!!!!!!! By that time, I may however be running alcohol.... :o SHouldn't be a problem, I have a 5.5 gallon IMS on it.... Maybe Rod could meet me at my house and we could all caravan it down there..... We'll see. It's about an 8 hour ride.... And if I make a wrong turn again, (don't ask.....) it takes about 12 hours in the big Dodge..... :unsure: As of now, count me in... Winter will be over, and so will ski season. Next week, I leave for Lake George for a skiing exam. (Gore mountain). WHich is one of the reason's for me not making Roostfest. This should be a go for sure....

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Boon, are you before the coal hills on the toll road. My wife is even talking about coming and staying at the camp ground at the amusement parks. We could let the wives run... give them some money and let them take the little ones ;) I am in the process of moving and getting my house ready to sell though. We'll see how it works out time wise. It may just be the break we'll need. If we do come, we could caravan up!!

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I'm going, this will be a walk in the park after driving to Cali from Maine.... :P I'm not sure, but PA should only be about 7-8 hours away for me....We travel 5-6 hours all the time in the winter for the sledding trips, so this won't be any different. Pick a date and I'll be there...... ;)

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If yous come up with a date. I could work my vacation so I can kill two birds with one stone. Visit family and ride. I haven't been back there in a while. I rode dem strippens in the 80's some of the best times of my life. Did a lot up there good and bad :rolleyes: shoot still have coal dirt in my arm :D .


This sounds like a great time

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BIRDMAN 1, tell me more about your "strippins" riding days.



Coal Hill got mentioned in the April edition of DirtWheels. It was in the "letters" section.



Dear DirtWheels,

I'm a 15 year old girl and love to ride with my two uncles up at Coal Hill. Chuck and Jake both ride 500s. I hope to get a Banshee soon. Love your mag.

Sasha Reigle

Kulpmont , PA

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