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My Kid Wants This?

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HAHAHA I almost had one last year. Instead I got a "rifle" I don't even know where the damn thing is at. I'm kinda scared to even have it in my truck incase "the man" pulls a brother over and I get popped over a $15 2x4.

I would say get 2 of them. Build forts out of couch cushions, and when your wife "invades" (to tell you 2 to knock it the hell off) you can go on the defense together and push the invader back to the kitchen. If she's bringing you sandwiches, I wouldn't shoot right off hand.

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If she's bringing you sandwiches, I wouldn't shoot right off hand.

ill wait till i see the whites of her eyes, then proclaim "drop the sammies, and reach for the sky".......

LMAO!! :lol:..... We was always walking around real quiet....lookin for some guy named charlie :huh: .




LMFAO....good one Mike

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