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We are all trying to help but it is hard sometimes to diagnose the problem when we are not there! All we cam do is give you ideas, and if you read some of these post people say they have done this and that only to find out later they only thought they checked it. Don't get shitty with people that are trying to help you out! Now, did you check the stator plate, CDI box yet? Check those out and get back to us.

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This is what im talking about. Im not trying to be a dick head. If I put a diferent stator in off a good running shee and it still dose it. Now re read what I just said.

now read it again. How can it bee the stator? read it agaain.

Ddose anyone else get what Im saying.




Everyone else Im going out to put a

coil in and check the fuel tank.




FRom a good running shee.

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ok so now your pissed because you figured out what i was saying.

You should never say yours works and mine dosent.Ha HA


Carma Baby Carma

your next Kaboom!!! :unsure:


Anyone else out there with some real knowledge would be appriciated


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I read what you said...and as i posted originally... I had the same problem...I told you what fixed it.


So I did understand your problem the first time i read it. I didnt need to read it 10x to understand it.


I replaced coils....and cdi's and what not. Nothing fixed it until I replaced my stator (which tested perfect) so take it for whats it worth.....


You can act on it or not.... There really isnt anything to go bad except the Coil, CDI or stator.. Check your key switch connections and or kill switch if you use either of those.


CDI i doubt it because it is a solid state electronic device...unless it wasnt secured and vibrated to death.


I dont really think its the coil either...


Check for any bare wires that may be shorting out..

It may be a good idea to clean all connections and use some Dielectric grease on the connections to keep the water out..


P.S. Tag your it :P





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ok so i just put a different coil in

I thought coils just went out they dont go bad. Anyone with info on that?


The new coil is in and no backfire yet . Leaving in ten minutes to go riding with some guys. pocst Glamis ride. I am bringing a CDI with and more plugs jusst in case.

Let you know soon

Tag your it. Nick


Im going too Glamis no matter whaT



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To check the screens, you take out the 2 phillips screws that hold the valve in to the tank and the whole works {including the gas} will drop out in your hand. Remove the screens and install a clear in-line filter. This way you'll know when it's starving for gas. I'd still check the flywheel and timing plate. It's gonna be something so obvious that even a retard could figure it out. Just not us retards yet. Unless you just don't know what you're doing :o

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I tried a coil of a donor Banshee and that was it. Just bolted on the paddles and loaded it in the trailer.


Its been a hard long road so thanks.


My most thanks too the guy who said too gap at .013 and said it might be your coil going down. I didnt gap it to that but changed the coil so sweet. Anyone got a good coil to buy?



Thanks nick? :unsure:

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i read you first post and i think i know what your problem is, you rebuilt the engine put it all in and it ran fine right? then friday you decided to change the brakes on your ole truck, THAT my friend i bet is your problem, the shee got upset cause you didnt change his. you should go buy a fresh new set of brake pads for it and it will be fine. :lol:

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Well good for you..... you got it runnin...


Guess what i happen to have an extra coil hangng around here....


Sooo...if i can find it your welcome to buy it from me :rolleyes:



Enjoy the dunes.........




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