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People On The Bashee Hq


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Remember, respect is earned.


very true.

It takes a life time to earn respect, but only minutes to lose it.


If someone doesn't answer your question, then maybe search the forums. Some people won't answer a question that was asked just recently, or one that was answered over and over and over. You may not have seen the particular thread that has already been answered, and its back only a page or two. If the search function doesn't give you the desired results, post your question, state that you searched and didn't find what you were looking for. Someone else my just post a thread that they found with the search.

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i agree with le2004banshee people on the bansheehq website are the nolegable people on banshees but why the f*ck will no one help me .

Holy mother of the Good Christ. :o I can't believe I have to do this again. Here we go mr. BansheeSr.



i agree with le2004banshee people on the bansheehq website are the nolegable people on banshees but why the f*ck will no one help me . 

  Forum: Roostin' Room 



Perhaps if you didn't ask such fuckin ridiculous questions relating to bull shit they might get answered. :o you are like a broken record so far here. You have got to be kidding? At least I hope so.....



  which do you think is the best ATV the banshee or the YFZ 450, and which do you think would win in a quarter mile drag race. 

  Forum: General Discussion

What in the hell kind of question is that? It has been gone over here numerous times. Now, what conditions we talking? What mods are on each bike? What is the weather? What terrain? There are so many variables. Rider, to many to list. That is not a goood question. Speculate as you may.



cheers what about a good quailty banshee 

  Forum: General Discussion 

Oh boy........



  could you ship it to england 

  Forum: Online Auction Watch


Man, you have only $3,000 to spend, and you want to ship a bike to England? WOW!!!! :rolleyes: You are a glutton for punishment..... Have you tried to look locally? it would be far cheaper..... But, if you want, I'll sell you my bike for $4500 and I'll ship it to England. You will pay shipping? :rolleyes:



  bdbanshee give me some help i'm looking for my first banshee comeon i thought you was a pro 

  Forum: General Discussion

That's the way to get things answered. Yep, you thought BDBanshee was a pro. Well, I'm here to tell you that he is a friggin pro. YOU on the otherhand need not go around forums insulting people with your lack of respect and intelligence. you must be from France....... :ph34r:


i want to buy a banshee for the first time, i want it standard and ready to mod what banshee should i be looking for and how much should i pay?


  Forum: General Discussion


There are already a few replies in that thread, go loook. It apears from your post that you already know what you are looking for. A "standard banshee" So, go find one in your price range, and buy it. What more do you want to know? And how many more times are you going to ask this?



  i want a YFZ 450 im a first time rider so how much do u think i should pay 

  Forum: General Discussion


Well, which one is it slap nutz?? :unsure: A 450 or a banshee? Now we have become totally confused. Have you ever ridden a performance ATV before? And how much are you gonna pay? Well, I would think you shouldn't pay any more than $1,000 for one. That way, it will already be totaled and un-rideable which would be perfect for you....



  i think it looks great although it would look a mess after a few weeks 

  Forum: General Discussion 


Nothing wrong with that one, somehow, I just can't believe it. :rolleyes:



  which one the banshee or the YFZ 450 

  Forum: General Discussion


MAN OH MAN, how many times do we really need to ask. Just buy a fucking bike and ride the biotch.




  i want to get a banshee soon to modify what do you think would be the best for me to ride as a first time banshee buyer for about $3000 

  Forum: Images


Now we're back to a banshee again. I thought we wanted a 450? Wait a minute, now it's a shee. I don't know....... :unsure:



  i'm want a banshee to i have got about $3000 and my mate wants a YFZ 450 but i'm trying to convice him to get a banshee, would i be able to get a newish standard one for this money, and could my mate get a YFZ 450 for around the same money. 

  Forum: General Discussion 


What do you consider newish? There aren't very many overseas riders that post here.... Have you even looked around your area? annd for the same money, it is not likely that you will find a non stolen, running 450. Are you serious?



my brother is a first time rider and he wants to get a YFZ 450 what should he pay for one? 

  Forum: General Discussion


Now your brother wants a bike too? Man, your brother, your "mate" and you want a bike. Wow. Have ANY of y'all ridden one before? :rolleyes: He should pay about $7,000. You are cracking my shit up!!!!



  i'm a newbe what should i buy for my first banshee, i'm looking for something to rash around the streets and field and to modify. and how much will it cost? 

  Forum: General Discussion


No kidding. Your a newbie? Wow, could have fooled me..... Well, the streets and the field are worlds apart in handling. What do you want to do to the bike? We can't answer your vague, ridiculous questions. I want to modify it doesn't quite cut it when you are talking about a banshee. The sky is the friggin limit. There is a ton of aftermarket parts out there. However, it is retardedly expensive to get shit shipped overseas.







And there you have it folks. All 13 of this individuals posts. B) And here is your answer BansheeSr. BUY A BLASTER. :ph34r:

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haha sad thing is, i know a dumbass who believes in "highspeed muffler bearings". we told him that was a good mod to see if he'd bite... he did. then this idiot asked us if we used race fuel... we said diesel was fine, and he is gonna try it in his raptor!!!! lol but the best oen was when he goes " i can turn my raptor in a 535 2 cycle twin cheetah engine" (the trinity head for the banshee)... stupid shit, stupid stupid shit. lol

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Now when I crack Stan up, I got to be on the right track!!!!!  ;)

This is the line that sealed the deal, and made my morning.


BUY A BLASTER. :ph34r:


omg....I had just woken up, hadn't even had coffee or food yet, shit I think only one of my eyes were open.

After that I was ready for the day. I appreciate good humor, and that was it. B)

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geeez boonman. you are absolutely horrible. but its funnier than shit. i was rollin thru most of those. i didnt realize that got1banshee got so much shit until today. i read a post from december and boy he was gettin it bad. there was a time wheni got some shit too. i dont know if anyone remembers or not, but wheni first signed up here i posted a comment about how callin a banshee a "shee" was queer sounding. man i got all kinds of shit. it was in the roostin room and i was just messin around one day. i dont think i came back for a looong time. but hey im back and i dont think theres anything wrong with me now :rolleyes:

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