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People On The Bashee Hq


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ahhh the hell with it, we here at banshee hq bash the shit out of other sites too but wes can get um moter goin as fast as anything :blink: sure we know nothing, but as soon as one of them run into something they cant figure out, thell be right here asking away, and chances are, some dumbass will help him out and have his bike running :lol:

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Ya Dabeechman or Koolguyson on Planetsand is a pretty knowledgeable guy himself and he also likes to stir things up a little...Dont take it too seriously.  ;)

Yeah buy the look of some of his bikes i assumed he did. I really didnt take any offense to it. i just thought you guys would get a kick out of it.

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Yep. More prone to stalling??? Man oh man. I wish i wouldn't have lightened my flywheel because now my bike doesn't even idle!!! It is a major PITA to be riding and have it stall out all the damn time. :o:lol: I have done side by side "real world" comparo's and found the lightened flywheel to be beneficial in EVRY area of riding. THis is on a banshee. Not a 400EX, or whatever other 4 stroker is out there. On a 2 stroke twin, there is power every 180 degrees of crankshaft rotation. :) I see what kind of a guy "dabeechman" is. All hung up on the Dyno, and numbers. While he seems like a knowledgeable fellow, it also occurs to me that he should do ALOT less speculating, and some real world shiz. he has never tried one. He has no clue what it is about. And he mentions "stock stroke" bikes. Well, I have seen alot of stock stroke bikes lay an ass handing session to strokers. Who gives a f*ck.... Maybe there are rules that don't allow flywheel mods in this class? Or is it a grudge race he's talking about? I dunno? Seems to me that the PVL ignition doesn't even use a flywheel. Perhaps they should try that. Oh, wait a minute, they already did. And I bet they used a dyno in the process as well as "real world" testing. :rolleyes:;)

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Good grief, you'd think that the fly wheel is this miracle part that creates horsepower and torque. Maybe someone should start selling a Boostwheel(ie similar to a Boostbottle). All a flywheel does is help the engine rotate through the dead spots and through the compression stroke by inertia. This is very basic physics, an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. And the converse an object at rest stays at rest unless acted by an outside force. A heavier flywheel will help keep the bike running. It will accelerate and decelerate slower, but the potential energy stored will be higher for a given RPM. A lighter flywheel will accelerate and decelerate faster but will have a lower potential energy for a given RPM. Thats pretty much it. Here is the link to the flywheel explaination from the Professor: Flywheel



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i agree with le2004banshee people on the bansheehq website are the nolegable people on banshees but why the f*ck will no one help me .


Perhaps because you repeatedly post the same question in multiple areas, patience my man, and give some thought to how you word your questions. Remember, respect is earned.

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