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My Wife Vs. Exriders.com


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Time for her to ditch the kitty site and step up to the bowl where the big dogs eat! ;) Yeah, and I'll blaze the trails on the shee and you can blame the tears in your eyes on the dust you've been eatin. Better hope there's no straights though cause I'll be in another effin time zone by the time the ol' ex reaches the end of the trail. :P

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I think calling a mans wife a skank is grounds for a ass kicking. 





Naw I like letting karma take care of the assholes. Right now there's an undercover police detective in a pre-teen chat room that Pappy's been talking to for the past 3 weeks trying to set up a meet.

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I'll take it to the trails.....  I'll take it to wherever you want.....

Same here, I am also a member on that sight, just don't use it all that much anymore.


I bet I ride tight woods more then you do, and how about filling out that profile of yours zephead 400. Where are you really from?


Are you another 150lb 15 year old that had his dad buy him elka shocks and the almighty great 416 kit. :lol:


Your more pissed about someone making a complaint about pappy being an ass, then him calling someones wife a skank for no real reason. Honestly,sometimes I wonder if pappy cares about sight content. Or just likes to assert himself as an internet tough guy. He can be a really good person at times, but lately he's just being an asshole on a power trip. "wow look at me I'm a moderator"


Woopty freakin doo :rolleyes::lol:

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bet I ride tight woods more then you do, and how about filling out that profile of yours zephead 400. Where are you really from?


He's my roomate, from Winfield, KS. :unsure: Not some little punk ass kid that's had everything handed to him on a golden plate...


This is the "roostin' room" for a reason... ;) He was just fuckin' around,...hell I give the 'ol boys at exriders a hard time here & there too. :P


Heck, go & give 'pappy' some shit about his new YAMAHA that he got... :ph34r::lol::D hehe B)

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I'll take it to the trails.....  I'll take it to wherever you want.....

Same here, I am also a member on that sight, just don't use it all that much anymore.


I bet I ride tight woods more then you do, and how about filling out that profile of yours zephead 400. Where are you really from?


Are you another 150lb 15 year old that had his dad buy him elka shocks and the almighty great 416 kit. :lol:


Your more pissed about someone making a complaint about pappy being an ass, then him calling someones wife a skank for no real reason. Honestly,sometimes I wonder if pappy cares about sight content. Or just likes to assert himself as an internet tough guy. He can be a really good person at times, but lately he's just being an asshole on a power trip. "wow look at me I'm a moderator"


Woopty freakin doo :rolleyes::lol:

Oh no, you on to me..haha, chill out turbo your getting your panties in a bind. First of all, when did I ever say that it was right for what Pappy said?...never :blink: When did I ever say I was pissed off about what wallrat had posted...never :blink: Not flaming, but I think you, boonman, are taking things a little to serious and need to reevaluate what has been posted before you make some bs reply about something that has not even been an issue. I dont care what Pappy thinks or says, exriders is a good site with good info. There are always some bad apples on every forum that makes it hard for everyone.


btw, what the hell does it matter where I live? I don't think that it matters. And no I am not 15 and no my dad did not buy me Elka and the "almighty" 416 kit. :lol:



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:lol:  :lol: Its fun listening to your girls squabble. :lol:  :lol:


Keep it coming.

No squabbling...just trying to make a point.


boonman, don't think that I have something against you b/c I don't. I don't have anything against anyone on this forum except when you tell me that I have a POS and my ex is outdated. haha


Lets ride and quit the "argueing."

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The EX IS out dated... :lol:  Quote from March 04 DirtWheels  (The honda TRX 450) "has outdone the 400EX by leaps and bounds". The 400 ex is still a nice bike. I would love to get one for my wife. Either that or a z400.

Thats exactly right, the 450r has surpassed the 400ex with no question. IMO I dont think the 400 was ever really produced to be a racing machine just a good reliable quad.



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Woa woa woa there Zep head!!!!!! This here:

Same here, I am also a member on that sight, just don't use it all that much anymore.


I bet I ride tight woods more then you do, and how about filling out that profile of yours zephead 400. Where are you really from?


Are you another 150lb 15 year old that had his dad buy him elka shocks and the almighty great 416 kit. 


Your more pissed about someone making a complaint about pappy being an ass, then him calling someones wife a skank for no real reason. Honestly,sometimes I wonder if pappy cares about sight content. Or just likes to assert himself as an internet tough guy. He can be a really good person at times, but lately he's just being an asshole on a power trip. "wow look at me I'm a moderator"


Woopty freakin doo

was not my post!!!!! My post was just a little rippin on ya. I mean, you do ride a honda, and this is the roostin room. So calm the hell down man. I'm just fuckin with ya. That's what this room is for!!!

Not flaming, but I think you, boonman, are taking things a little to serious and need to reevaluate what has been posted before you make some bs reply about something that has not even been an issue.

Dude, re-read what I posted. In case you don't want to scroll, I just put them here for you. My first post in here...

Yep, because it would be a long day of ass whoopin' for the EX crew.... I'd be more inclined to pack a rubber donut so you EX guys can sit after getting your ass ripped off by a shee....


Hrmmm, no mention of pappy's nonsense there.... I don't even know of this clown... another one, the next post I made:

Maybe YOU can plug your ass with a rubber donut there. However, my virgin ass could be plugged with a toothpick. LMMFAO!!! I'll take it to the trails..... I'll take it to wherever you want.....

Which was in reply to your statment here:

Lets take it to the trails. Us "exriders" like to do more than go straight.


btw: you can keep your rubber butt plug

And here was my final post in here untill this one..



So where is it that I ned to re-evaluate? Straighten up man!!!!! Get your shit together!!! I know you ride a honda, and this may be a hard thing to do. But it has to be possible. (fyi, that was more sarcasm there) :ph34r:

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