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My Wife Vs. Exriders.com


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I had a link posted here to the original thread, but a mod named pappy closed it and it can no longer be accessed. Basically he told my wife that her avatar wasn't appropriate for a family oriented forum and that she needed to change it. My wife replied that she would, but didn't think that it was all that offensive given that she could wear that outfit in public, and that giving people some freedom to express themselves was better than being anal retentive. To which pappy replied, "look if you wanna be a skank that's your business, but I know I wouldn't want my kids to see that picture". This from the guy who has posted under his name, "she looked 18 to me".


FYI, my wife's name over there is DirtyGirl. Here's the avatar that Penis, I mean Pappy, was complaining about. She got a bunch of PM's too, first nice, then not so nice. I think the skank comment was worse than the original avatar.

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I didn't get to see the pic, and I really can't see the one in your avatar, or your attatched image.


But I am starting to like pappy less and less with all of the childish comments and actions he takes. Like Instant messaging some guy about a broken yfz frame argument, telling him He will travel half way across the country to beat him up.


Lmao! He must have felt pretty stupid after that one.


He was wrong to call names. 400grls pics were great also,I'm glad corry shared that kicken body of her's with all of us. Hot babes that ride quads are awesome. :)

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I agree. Although I can't tell what either avatar is due to its size, calling someones wife a skank isn't cool.

I get pissed when my wife comes home with a story like that. Makes me want to hide out in the back seat of her car and wait for some dumb ass to go off on her at the local Walmart parking lot.

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Forgot the cheese didn't you? However, because the thread on exriders has been closed and removed, it is no longer viewable. If you have a problem with a mod instead of bitching about it and ranting like a 5 yr old, drop your stones and talk to the admin, his name is Harlan, Exriders Admin is his handle. I do agree that a person on a forum, especially a mod, should not act/say what he did. If the avatar that you have here is the same one, I do not find if offensive. I have seen more offensive avatars on exriders...but I am not going get into all of this b/c it is not my concern. I would suggest trying to speak to Harlan if you have a problem. My $.02.



later man!

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Actually my wife requested I start this post, and not to rant.  She was getting overwhelmed with pm's from people on exriders asking to see the picture that was so offensive.  But hey I thought the story was funny so I figured I'd share it.

Thats cool. I wish the pic was bigger, but I understand it is the avatar. Hell, lets see the full size pic. Or mail it to me...zeppelingods@yahoo.com


later man and good luck

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"look if you wanna be a skank that's your business, but I know I wouldn't want my kids to see that picture".  This from the guy who has posted under his name, "she looked 18 to me".

hmmmmm ! so whats chester, i mean pappy have to say about this :angry: i find that more offensive then having a hot chick, fully covered, but sexy as hell on a quad offensive. w.t.f. !!!!

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better pack a lunch... :P

Yep, because it would be a long day of ass whoopin' for the EX crew.... I'd be more inclined to pack a rubber donut so you EX guys can sit after getting your ass ripped off by a shee.... ;):P:ph34r:

Lets take it to the trails. Us "exriders" like to do more than go straight.


btw: you can keep your rubber butt plug :D

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