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  You are saying exactly what most people think.  You think a president can affect an economy in 8 MONTHS?  Its just not true.  I'm telling you go grab a macroeconomics book and check it out for yourself, it takes years for an economy to recover.  I've had 4 different econ classes with 4 diff. profs but all agree no matter what party they are that Bush and reagan were the reason for the 90's prosperity. 

What I'm saying is that the US is basically like one huge business. People do many different jobs from managing to engineering to manufacturing to delivering to filling the toilet paper holders and stocking the vending machines.

When a CEO takes the workers from their jobs and the rest feel the threat of losing their jobs {whether the threat is real or perceived}, people begin to hold back from spending.

On top of that if the CEO has a massive accident at the factory and instead of cleaning it up and protecting the rest of the employees, he goes and scares them even more that not only will they be out of work, they face danger from some unknown source. And he even goes on to say that everyone is in such danger that he can no longer focus on the threat at hand but rather has to go out and find other threats, and in effect abandons the real issues at hand. How long will that company last?

Maybe 8 months.

When you pull parents away from kids and spouses from each other and children from families, and workers from jobs, and send them all over the world to chase ghosts and "threats", people get dejected.

Our economy is based on spending.

I sincerely hope that while John or Jane Q Public are out on the front lines in some worthless desert on the other side of the world risking their lives chasing "threats", that their families back home aren't out buying new cars, TV, boats, furniture and stereo equipment.

I'd be happy to pay $10 a gallon for gas if it meant that some idiot who cheated his way into office doesn't send another person to another land to fight a "threat".

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My only two cents is this. For those who think the economy was good during the Clinton years, you must thank Reagan and Bush Sr. It was Reagan spending (GDP!! remember economics class) and GB taxes that boosted the economy. Bush Sr lost his job for a good economy.


Amen!! Thank God somebody else has taken macro economics. I always try to vote for the lesser of two morons but you can't always blame the person currently in office for the economy.

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I think that our system of government is suitable for domestic

policy making...but it is always a crap shoot with international

policy.  If not for the impact of international affairs thrown into

the mix I think we have a good system of checks and balances,

and the fed i.e. Greenspan is always there to try and stabilize

the economic situation as it fluctuates.


The problems in the Middle East are very complex...and I understand

that we had to do something when we we're attacked...I fully support

the invasion of Afghanistan, but what I don't understand is wy we captured

Saddam before Osama.  Where the fu@ck is Osama?

This and the fact the we have not made a good case for the timing of our

invasion of Iraq makes me wonder what underlying motivating factors were

involved, that the Bush administration has not been honost about.

I guess it is possible that the bigger untold picture involves strategic positioning

in an unstable region.  But I also worry that the bigger untold picture could

involve something more capatilistic...such as oil (We know Bush and his

daddy love oil), or simple revenge for his daddy's failure to follow through

with what he started in Iraq in 92'


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I'd agree with you up to a point. You're right there is gonna be some corruption out there no matter who is in office (or CEO). But I can't believe you want to revert back to "isolationism". Where did that get us? Two world wars! Our current policies are somewhat due to the "Munich syndrome" but mostly we have learned that sitting back doing absolutely nothing gets us nowhere. Should we have continued appeasing Saddam just as we did Hitler with the Sudatinland (sp?). I hear all this antiwar rhetoric but I never ever hear a solution. My favorite is the "Let's talk w/ him". Say we left him in power for another 10 years, do you think his hatred of us would just go away. Eventually we would come to a war with him, and that eventually it would have meant thousands of our soldiers being killed rather than hundreds. I'm not for starting wars but 9/11 was due to the fact that the terrorists thought we were a bunch of panzies and we wouldn't respond. They figured we'd just give up and leave the middle east cause we were scared. I'm glad Bush showed them we're not. Its funny how quickly Libya came around.


For those who don't know the Munich syndrome is our (all allies from WWII) never back down attitude since WWII. Hitler said I just want that little teeny tiny place called the Sudatinland, so we said o.k. just just don't start a war. He said yup, he he he, the next thing he was rolling tanks thorugh Poland and France. I honestly believe Saddam was pulling the same trick. He may have gotten rid of his weapons (there is absolutely no doubt he once had them) then once we turned our backs saying good job Saddam you disarmed, he'd work secretly to his ultimate goal, a nuke. He'd probably try to get Israel. If he did and they got wind it was Saddam Israel would just nuke the whole country of Iraq (they threatened to do it in the first Gulf War). Next thing you know we got WW3 w/ nukes lobbing around, hoping that Pakistan and India don't get involved because they are becoming contaminted by the radioactive fallout.


Where do I get such crazy idea? There is this thing called war gaming and it goes on every year at college conferences around the country. This is what happened at one that I went to. These things are overseen by some heavy hitters and they are very precisely coontrolled. I've been told by upper level military that these always came close to their own war gaming at the Naval War College in Newport.


A funny story about one war game(real military war game). Even though we are "friends with russia" we still war game scenario's with them. So the U.S. goes to war with russia and the russians decide to use chem weapons, so the U.S. dons their suits. Well, the U.S. only has 300,00 so after a few hours they are almost gone. The general orders up more suits, right then the guy from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) says U.S. you've lost everyone is dead. The general says I ordered new suits. Well in order to make these new suits the U.S. needed this very special needle that was specially heated in order to make these suits. Where was the only place you could get it? You guessed it, Russia! Obviouosly we now make them a different way. Another thing I learned was that we got all our Titanium to build the SR-71 from the USSR, I thought that was kind of ironic.

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Mcaf, without going on and on about the same thing over and over, just go back and read what I said. No "I" don't think that it's Bush's fault that people lost their jobs. What "I" basically said was that the poeple who lost their jobs "NOW" don't care about past politics, they will for the most part lay the blame on Bush.



As far as the rest of his politics, well thats just a completley different story. Go back and read the very first post in this thread.

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I don't agree that you should go around knocking everyone on the head with a club that might threaten you.

I don't agree that we NEED the rest of the world to run our country.

I don't agree that the US went to Iraq to "liberate" anyone.

I don't agree that I need to kick down the door to my neighbors house because I think he might be a threat to me one day.

I don't agree that I or anyone I know should lose their jobs because the job is sent to another country where the labor is cheaper.

I don't agree that the war that is now being fought is for the safety and security of more than a small handfull of powerful greedy Americans.

I do think that if Iraq was a Snapple producing nation instead of an oil producing nation, we would never have even heard of the place.

I do think that if this country was MUCH less dependant on oil, the rest of these violent desert nations would become nothing more than a footnote in history.

I do think that Trillions of dollars of income and growth can be gained in this country by making a push toward alternate fuels which would acomplish 2 things...

1- Make the US the center of world technology {which it no longer is because of the pitiful education system} and

2- Make the oil producing nations less and less wealthy with poorer and poorer countries to sell to.

I do think that fat cats such as the Bush family have no interest in that because they are too heavily invested in the oil industry and as mentioned above the 'destroy the world for profit' structure personified by Haliburton.

I do think that the world structure of politics is set up exactly like the prostitute subculture.

Your either a pimp or a ho'

What ever us ho's think we're getting out of this deal, we're wrong.


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ROFL Holyman! The Snapple analogy was hilarious!


I have 2 cents today, but my place in the global political and economic scene is about equal to a grain of sand in Glamis...think I'll hang on to it and spend it on premix.


George Carlin for president!!! Big tits, big cars, big cigars, I love America.

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Bush is still trying to mop up the mess what the previous president made.George can look to his father for guidence.George Sr. has been there and done that.Behind the all the hogwash thats happening.We have our man in office and some don't realize it.2 more years and we'll have it made.Kerry is the one that needs all that "political jetting". He needs to find himself first.

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God bless all of our armed forces.

I am proud and very thankful of the job you guys are doing over

there. As I cozy up here in the crib I realize the sacrifice you

guys are making for us all and it puts a knot in my throat.

Nothing but love and respect for you guys here, and I will

be praying for you all. Thanks again.

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