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Need To Vent!


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Ok, what a day. started out, i get to work and its so f@cking busy i dont have time to think, planes to deice and all my freaking trucks are broke, well i finally get everything running smooth and get to sit down and take a break and get on my favorite web site and take a look( THE HQ!) well to my surprise, they blocked the website at my work where you cant get on the forum anymore :angry: so i tried anyway all day and no luck. so then i am ready to leave, its cold as balls here in jeresey, so i go to warm up my truck. well i jump in and all i hear is click click click. so im like. my freaking starter is gone. luckly its a stick and after i beat the hell out of the starter with no luck, a buddy of mine pulls starts me. so i get it home and its still doing the same shit, the starter is clicking away. well i call the parts store and the only place that has it wants 125 for it a 50 for a core. so i pulled mine off and ran up there and got the new one. im thinking ok cool. this isnt so bad, i have the ol yota up and running in no time. well i get home put the freaking starter on and guess what CLICK CLICK CLICK! now im pissed. so i get out the test light and check the battery wire going to the starter, NOTHING! so im like what the hell. i didnt just have the biggest brian fart did I? well i did. it turned out to be the f@cking battery terminal was corroded. what an idiot i feel like. i guess i can look at it on the bright side. i have a new starter with a life time warrenty, but i still cant get on the HQ at work :angry:

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I'mdown with the avatar as well!!! But, how about this starter story. I was sitting sat the hockey rink one day, in my S-10. (The one with the small block) I was doing some paperwork before the season, (I'm the captain, had to get the roster and shit together), when all of the sudden, the engine just starts turning over. I was sittin there with the radion on, and that was it. Well, I have a seperate ignition switch, (aside from the key) so I flick it on (which turns on the fuel pump relay and the distributor power) and she fires right up. BUT, the starter is still spinning. I shut it down, and it is still turning over. I'm like WTF!!!! :o Now I get :angry: , and hop out, shit turnign over, peeps looking at me funny. I pop the hood. Starter is now smokin. I run to the back, pop the rear window, yank the tool box out. I run back to the front, and I seriously thought that the thing was gonna burn up for sure. well, I didn't have a 5/16 wrench :( to get the battery terminal off. So, I grabbed the next best thing. Some dykes!! :unsure::huh: I cut the power wire to the starter and it stopped. B) So now I'm like WTF do I do now???? <_< Well, I finished up my business, and came back out. I flipped the ignition switch on, and walked to the front of the rig. In true Frankenstein fashion, I grabbed each end of the wire, and pulled a Christopher Lloyd in Back To the Future and stuch the wire back together, sparking all over the place. Well, the starter turned over and she fired up. :) So, I hop in, and drove to the parts store. I did it again at the parts store, and went home. Changed the starter, and all was well. BUT, what if I wasn't in the rig when it did it. For sure it would have burned up. :blink: Oh well. I hate starters......

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