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Got Gears Cut

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I had a local machine shop do the every other dog cutting trick and just got them back. As you can see in the pictures one got alittle too cut. its about a 1/16" too deep and maybe a 1/4" wide. Doesnt look very pretty. Im concered with potential issues with ballance and strength. But maybe its not big deal and will just help in oiling ;) If It is screwed does anyone have a 3rd gear they can sell me :(





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Ok 3rd gear isnt a problem anymore...new problem. Im trying to put 6th on the mainshaft, it will not fit at all. I try to slide it on the shaft backwards goes on about a 1/4" then stops. It wont even go on facing the right way. I try twisting it alittle, nothing. Give it alittle tap-aroo, nothing. I make sure I have the right shaft, yep. 5th gear slide on like a darnling. So then i measured the I.D. of 5th and 6th and the O.D. of the shaft. 6th gear is deffinatly smaller than it is supposed to be. Nowhere near fitting infact. It came off fine a couple months ago. So my question is HOW IN THE MOTHER HECK DOES A GEAR SHRINK?!?!? I wouldnt think cutting it would make it shrink, I wouldnt think anything except coldness would make it shrink. It should slide right on to the shaft smoothly. My onlt theory is it got warped, but how the heck does hardend steel warp? Someone please have a good explaination because I am bewilderd and pissed :angry:

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