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Crank Question


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is there much difference from a hot rod crank and the stock crank i talk to a guy from vitos perfromance and he said there is no difference your just buy the wiesco name?? how good are those trued and weld crank?

and does anyone know where i can get a kit to put A Arms on since i got those old shittie J arms

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the guy at vito's was talking about the stock replacement crank. they work pretty good, just need to be true/welded. the price is real good also. it has stock rods on it.


the wiseco crank has hot rods and is just a better crank. go ahead and spend the extra money on the wiseco, just have it true/welded.

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The one advantage that the hot rods crank has over a stock crank is the centers are rebuildable. Other than that there isn't much of a difference. Since you have an older J-arm machine 87-90 you might want to look at getting a new crank that is trued and welded.

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