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Can It Be Done?


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Hey guys, I might get some trash talking done to me for this one because Banshee's arent utility or anything. But I was wondering if it is possible to mount a winch in the frame right behind the bumper?? Has anyone ever tried this?


I do alot of riding in the mud and when I get stuck its one large pain in the ass having to spend an hour trying to remove the suction (sp?) to get that beast out...


Let me know.

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sure you can do it. maybe not in there. but i know for sure you could make a bumper that could hold a winch. problem with that is the banshee front end is heavy already. winches weight quite a bit. then you also have to mount a battery which also is going to add weight. if you do it i would make it all removable in case you ever wanna drag race or do any jumping. i would think it would be a better idea to just find a 4x4. banshees really arent made for any serious mud riding.

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I dont just go riding in the mud, but the closest ORV trails to my house are about an hour, and the closest to them is like another hour...so I go there alot and the most part of the trails are elevated and dry, but there are wet spots with deep mud that takes up half my day just trying to getout..


So you dont think it will fit in frame?

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personally i would get a small come along puller

there is a company that sells a small one that is only rated for 1 or 2 tons that sorta folds up and come in a plastic case i wish i could tell u who makes ti but i dotn remember i jsut know its pretty small light and compact u could use that and a good rope that doenst have much stretch to it liekthe cord for mountain climbers


jsut a thought i guess


someplace like tractor supply might have the puller that i am thinking of

if i can find a pic of it i will send it to you or try to post a link or whatever for you

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You already have a wench on your Shee, you just have to use it. Next time you are going out, wrap 25 - 50 feet of strong polly rope around your bumper. When you get stuck, find a tree out in front of you to tie onto. Run the rope through the bars of your lower left a-arm and under your left foot peg. Tie the bike end of the rope to one on the spokes on your rear sproket. Start your bike and put it in low gear and SLOWLY let out the clutch. Some care must be taken to ensure that you do not catch the rope in your chain. As the rope is wound around your axle you will pull yourself out of the mud. Running the rope through the front a-arm will keep the front end from digging in, or flipping over. Good Luck.

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sorry for such fast posts... but after reading that through about 10 times to understand what your saying, i think i figured it out..... Not to mention it sounds like a good idea :)


Thanks, i will go get stuck in some snow tomarrow and see how it works out B)

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You could mount a winch in there. However, there is one small problem. Actually two. That is alot of weight to be dangling uselessly off the front of the bike. THis would be detrimantal to handling. Tie a 20-30# weight on the front bumper, and see how sheeee handles.... :o Another problem being that the shee doesn't have a battery. Yep, you need one of those to run a winch. They don't just work themselves. ;)

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Thanks Sandman, and I wish I could take credit for it, but it is simply an application of the almost lost art of winchless self recovery. Axle wenches, wheel rope drums, a-frames, sand anchors, and sliding base boards are all things that have been used by those that did not have a wench avalible, or had nothing to hook a wench to. With a good rope and a little planning there is almost no where that you can't get a vehicle to or out of.

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I almost want to get stuck just so I can try it.

Thanks Blacksmith, I would have never thought of that.

Of course I'm sure I won't have a rope if I ever do get stuck.

Well, back at camp maybe.

Just a thought, If there was no tree to tie off to, a heavy stake

driven at least 3ft into the ground with a single pully to pass the rope

through could also work. In this case you would tie one end to the

front of the frame and the second end would pass through the pully

and then back, attatching as Blacksmith said. ;)

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Damn blacksmith... Do you have experiance with mud riding or what??


Full of good ideas... Lets test ya here =)


Say you are riding, all alone and get stuck in the mud with no tree's around, your axle is burried down past the chain and your front A-arms as well. The position of the banshee is slightly sideways, maybe 30 degrees of center. You have 30 feet of rope, and no one to help... What do you do.

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i went endouro riding a long time ago with my brother in law and i was on a XL-600 pig.... well we rounded a mountain road and i hit a rut and shot my bike down a 100 foot revine, my bro in law was a tree trimmer the fucker pulled out some rope and those closed hooks those guys use and he tied off my bike and then came up the revine to a tree and tied it off then went to one branch then another then another and just took the end of the rope and pulled and my 300 pound bike came right up the hill, then he pulled out a cork and plugged my tank where a branch had poked a whole in it and we rode on home.....to this day i call the fucker MCGyver......a little smarts goes a long ass way when your stuck some where..........

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