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Can It Be Done?


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Well, to start with I would not worry about the bike being off center. I would simply pull from the downhill or back side. As for getting the rope around the rear axle, I would tie a ball knot around a softball size rock and wedge it in front of the rear tire, and put the bike in gear. The rock under the tire would pull the rope through. The off center line of the bike will cause the rope to pull in to the axle. As for the front end, there you would simply have to dig. You really need to get that rope under there.

Now, as for a tie off, I guess that I wouldn't have a handy rock out cropping, that would be too easy. My next try would be to use as large a forked stick as I could find. Something that looks like a Y. I would try to wedge the forked in into the biggest rut I count find. Then I would try to drive any other branches I could find into the rut about 2-3 feet closer to my bike. When the pressure from the axle wench begins to pull the wedge, I will be well dug in before it gets to the stakes.

One other thing, if the front end is really dug in, I would create a leaning a-frame in front of the bike and running the rope over it. That way the pressure on the rope would lift the front of the bike.

Sorry for the book, but I really don't want to fail your test. :-)

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Why not just weld some shovel heads to the rear axle? I'm sure you can get some of those fold up military shovels from a supply store, and whack the heads off. My calculations say that you can get 4 of 'em per side staggered for easier balance. To re balance the axle, drill some small holes in the heavy shovels face, this 'll help with the cleanout too. When you're burried to the axle, pull in the clutch, rev it to the moon, and drop the clutch! no winch necessary!. The mud rooster tail should be spectacular too.



If you must install a winch, instead of a battery, mount a portable generator to the rear 6-pack rack. This'll offset the added weight to the front. You can also power a small A/C unit for those hot riding days, and maybe a small fridge to keep the bneers cold. Just mount everything low to keep your CG correct in the high speed corners!

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