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Cutting Plastic ?

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You can gain a secord or two in the drags *I believe* by shaving them off...due to less wind resistance. Also if you're a big jumper the front won't lift as bad in the air, again due to less wind resistance you'll have a little better control in the air.


As far as shaving the fenders. I did mine & they look awesome, better than most I've seen. Wasn't hard at all. Just take your time & don't get into a hurry, also...have a few beers on hand. ;)


Sorry I don't have pics of the process, but just follow these instructions & you'll be good to go.



1. Get some electrical tape & tape off a pattern that you want on the fenders.


2. Get a jigsaw with a fine-toothed blade & slowly cut along the pattern you made with the electrical tape.


3. Use a fine grade sand paper to sand off any ruff edges.


4. Step back, admire how much better shee looks & finish your beer. B)


Works great & looks even better!

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I left some of the fender...you can kinda see from these pics...







I prefer using a blade from a hacksaw so ya have more control. I throw a little duct tape on one end of the blade for a temporary handle.


Not a bad idea either, & I see what you're saying. I have a throttle setting on my jigsaw, so I just adjusted the jigsaw throttle setting so it wouldn't rev up real fast....cut it nice & slow. If you don't have that option on your saw, use the hacksaw blade so you don't screw them up. ;)

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tip for cutting,i use an airsaw to cut mine,take care and dont push the blade,rather control it,only minimal forwards pressure,just let it cut itsself,use short bursts of power so u dont go outa control and keep a check where ur cuttin,if u use a normal sleel saw blade itl melt the plastic and stick itsself together again behind the blade and makes a mess,buy a proper plastic cuttin blade,u will make a far better cut.then i used a car body file,then 80 grit,120,240 600,800,looks original ;) oh i forgot to say,yes it does make a small difference in speed,not top speed but especialy when the wind is front on shee seems to cut through and hold speed better.

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