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Loosening Chain


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I'm taking out the 13 tooth in the front and replacing with a 15 tooth. I can't seem to get the axle moved to put enough slack in the chain. I know how to adjust and I've been around the block, but I haven't had this problem before. I wd40 the pivot points, but just can't get it to move. This is the worst thing about my banshee, the stupid chain adjustment. :angry:


Anyone have any helping ideas. A simple gear change has turned into a real PITA. I haven't messed with gearing too much, but went from stock to 13 teeth. I hated that, especially with the midrange mods, impossible to keep traction. Anyone have any tips on a much quicker approach to gear changes?




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be sure to loosen all the bolts and adjesters and when you do that i put a pry bar agenst the carrer under the pipe under or above it and move it it shouldent take much pressure and are you sure its not all the way foward already

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Well, I can get the chain halfway on, and I rotated the axle to try to "persuade" it the rest of the way on, and it was popping off so I quit as not to damage the chain.


I also tryed the prybar from the top and a little from the bottom to rotate the carrier. I didn't put too much pressure, cause I didn't want to bang it up too bad, but if thats what I need to do and I'm not in any danger of bending those bars, then I'll get a little more persuasive.


Thanks for the quick responses. All the adjusters are loose and reloosened. I have checked them probably fifty times, thinking Caspers tightening them when I'm not looking. I've sprayed hell out of them also. There's at least an inch between the adjusters and the stop, where the adjusters hit, maybe an inch and a half. There should be room on this chain, I did have the chain on the 14 tooth and I'm fairly positive it will handle the 15. I had it dang near buried out on the 13.

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I'm not positive what direction you go with this, but if i want slack or to get it to unslack, i usually hold the rear brake down then move it forward or back. Make sure everything is loose too.

Yea, haven't thought of that. Thats a good idea.

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Well, I can get the chain halfway on, and I rotated the axle to try to "persuade" it the rest of the way on, and it was popping off so I quit as not to damage the chain. 


I also tryed the prybar from the top and a little from the bottom to rotate the carrier.  I didn't put too much pressure, cause I didn't want to bang it up too bad, but if thats what I need to do and I'm not in any danger of bending those bars, then I'll get a little more persuasive. 


Thanks for the quick responses.  All the adjusters are loose and reloosened.  I have checked them probably fifty times, thinking Caspers tightening them when I'm not looking.  I've sprayed hell out of them also.  There's at least an inch between the adjusters and the stop, where the adjusters hit, maybe an inch and a half.  There should be room on this chain, I did have the chain on the 14 tooth and I'm fairly positive it will handle the 15.  I had it dang near buried out on the 13.

You might have to grind the swingarm.i did that going to a 15 up front.

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