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Well i am in the stages of finishing my shee i put the brakes on and tried to bleed them for a good 45 minutes and they WILL NOT BLEED it is starting to piss me off so if you have any tricks PLEASE let me know it will be much appreaciated (is that how you spell it??) ohh well



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yeh,sometimes it takes a lot of patience,ok,take the top off the brake fluid holder,top it up with fluid(never let it go below min)pump the lever 3-5 times(carefully cos ya dont want it all over the place) on the last pump hold the lever in,at same time open the bleed nipple then close it before you let the lever go,then pump another 3-5 times,hold it in,open nipple,close nipple,pump........... and so on. do this minimum 10-15 times each side,be carefull the fluid level doesnt go to low or ur back to square one!! paitience is the virtue. ;)

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