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Sjmoking Alot

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if this is hard to read post a replay and i well try to reword :( i just rejetted my carb(mission acomplished) but i started it up and it smoking alot, it hasnt been starte din over a month, and the gas is to the bottem and is old, could it just be abd gas, the gas that is in the take i know is very rich could this be why it is smoking alot. The smoke it white, but there is tremedous amouts but mroe than usual, it doesnt smell weird either, and its sounds good, so i dunno if its the head gaskit or w/e, but is there a way to find out if it is?It is so hard to decribe, it smokes alittle when its iddling when when u rev it it smokes less, but when it coming down from the rev lots a smoke comes out??

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From the post it is hard to determine the smoke. Try a fresh set of plugs, make sure the airfilter is clean, and the tank has fresh gas (dump out old). The carbs I assume are clean since you just had them off. If it does it again after this white is coolant, blue is too rich but sometimes it is hard to tell what color, depends on where you are:outside/inside.

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