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Building A 4mm Short Rod Stroker


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I've read all the postings about these 4mm strokers. But I don't think I have my questions fully answered.


I want a 4mm short rod stroker motor. After talking with Trick Racing, he told me I could just drop in a 4mm crank, use my stock 350 pistons or get new ones, cut the domes .80, and do nothing with the ports.


Is this correct before I go ahead and buy the parts and put it together?


Thanks for your input.

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What needs to happen to the ports for the timing to be correct for this motor?


Can I use my stock 26mm carbs and jet as it will go? I was just wondering if these carbs are going to be able to supply enough fuel. I realize it won't be the best set up for this motor, but for now it will do.

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hey, the stock carbs will get you by if need be. my quad definately rips with them on. i have been using mine for about 2 months for trail riding. i have pwk30s to put on but have nothing but problems getting them setup (big pain in the ass switching back to stockers to go riding then putting the 30s back on afterwards trying to tune them in then back to stockers). i cant really say how much the stockers are holding back though as i havent got the 30s working yet. i imagine quite a bit though... way i look at it, if your gonna put out the cash for the crank and porting mine as well get some carbs sooner or later, if you cant get them now atleast put them on your to do list.


i have no idea about the porting issue, but i know for a fact with porting you will pick up loads more punch.

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