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ebay auction cpi pipesOn the ebay auction they say that with individual aircleaners and a stock motor the cpi inframe drag pipes can increase your speed by 16 hp is this true?

hmm, i wouldn't say 16 hP by doing nothing. but with a shaved head, timing plate, and aircleaners then yeah prob.


I believe a 16hp increase at around 10,000rpms...the stock exhaust drops off early and loses power after 6500 while the CPI's will keep making it until 9-10K..thats why aftermarket pipes make the shee have about 10mph more top speed.....peak hp of stock pipes to peak hp of CPI's should be around a 10hp or more difference....


They might give you more power but not much in top speed. You need to change the gearing for much of a gain there. What do you need top speed for? Quickness is more useable than top speed 95% of the time unless you are desert racing.


cpi pipes rev out sooner than t-5s. They make much more usable power through the mid to top end is what I heard from rudy kurtz and he said that with my motor the way it is now I would get 6hp with cpi pipes. I think I like the out of frame pipes cpi makes because it gets them away from my knees and looks cool too.

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