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Top End Rebuild Question

Turbo J

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Hey Guys, I am prepping to do my first top end rebuild on my 89 Banshee. I am certain this will not be the first but hopefully I will have several bores left.


My question is regarding milling the head or milling off about .030 off of the bottom of each cylinder jug. I have not heard of the cylinder mill concept but according to a reputable local shop they have had good luck with this as opposed to the head grind. They said that the head grind will raise comp. and help performance, but the cylinder grind also helps slightly change the port timing for the better. I don't know which route to take.


My current set-up is just FMF fatties, K&N w/outerwear, carbon fiber reeds. I was considering Vito's super stock pistons but this machine shop has tried them and said I would be better with Wiseco forged. Any and all fedback would be appreciated...Thanks Turbo J

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just millin of the bottom is not goin 2 improve performance... it will get u more compression and a tighter squish but thats not the way i would do it... it will retard ur port timin and thats not good... i would take 30 of the head and maybe do alittle port work 2 it... there is no way i would lower the cylinder if it has stock ports... no way... L8r d34

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OK Thanks guys, I trust your opinions more so than my phone conversation with this machine shop guy. I will do the standard next size bore and he will do what he calls a clean up port job aka chamfer the ports after bore. Then go with a 25 thou head job....


My only hope now is that the con rods are within spec in regards to side to side wiggle...Turbo

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