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The resistance readings will be out of spec. You can get the correct readings from your clymer service manual. If they are not in spec, replace it. You could have a weak stator with your problem, or it could be carb related, or compression, it could be any number of things. Trick is to do the process of elimination and narrow it down with the cheapest stuff first. Like cleaning your carbs. Take a compression reading...

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Well, the 1st stator(stock) that I had go bad just quit out of the blue---was riding off & on all day, after one ride I shut her down like normal, went to start it about 30min later & nothing---didn't start again until a new stator & 2 kicks later. <_<


Now I can't figure out what my problem is & hope it's the stator cause I don't know what else it could be....so I'm getting one. Shee starts & runs just fine, until WOT shee'll start to spit, cough, & sputter. Other than that shee's fine, just craps out at WOT. I've double checke jetting, the carbs, everything I can & still no luck. Have even tried moving the pickup coil on the stator closer & farther away from the flywheel & still have the same problems. So I'm going to try another stator, but probably not another $300 OEM one though. :angry:




I dunno but I have a stock stator for sale if you want it.


Pm'd ya. ;)

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