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I'm Gonna Miss The Hq

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Its cake walk, except for having to shave your head and cleaning the dust bunnies up every day! you'll see what i mean. whats your job and where are you trying to get stationed? what ever you do DO NOT put in for McGuire AFB. Go somewhere cool. if you like to travel you should go with aircraft maintenance. i have been all over the world and the job is cake. good luck!

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Good luck Screamin and whatever you do, do not admit using any drugs at all .. EVER. They will hold that shit against you forever. If you never have used, then nothing to worry about.. by the time you hit week 5 you should be laughing at everything they are doing to ya, cause it will all be a breeze by then.



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Taking a break from gathering and packing things... Didn't realize I'd get this nice of a repsonse in just a few hours. :lol:


and dont worry about the shee, when you get back send me those parts and before you know it, youll be out having a blast again.


I planned on getting them sent out to you before I left, but had to get one last ride in and that's when everything screwed up. Lesson learned... don't try to out jump dirtbikes... bad landings hurt more than the ego.


im sure itll be a good experience and when you get back you will be wanting to get right on the good ol banshee


Ya damn right I will... after a few repairs, lol.


Its cake walk, except for having to shave your head and cleaning the dust bunnies up every day! you'll see what i mean. whats your job and where are you trying to get stationed?


My head's already buzzed down as short as it can go... been that way before I decided to join, so I little more off the top won't hurt, lol. I'm going in for nuclear weapons apprentice. I'm lucky to get that position since it requires a high level of security clearance, and high scores on the asvab, but it tacks on 7 g's to my 13 - 18 g's for enlistment. I have no clue where I'll be stationed at to tell ya the truth. I'll be shooting for 1 of the 3 bases in Oklahoma so I won't be very far from my g/f and family. If not there, then bases in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, or Louisiana... that way I can make a one day trip to come visit everyone here in Oklahoma. If I can't get any of those, then I'd settle for any of the bases in California (paid trip to Glamis baby!!), Nevada, Arizona, Ohio (have a few friends there), Florida, or Mississippi. But who knows where I'll end up, all I know is the HQ will be coming with me. :D


I didn't realize it was the air force. I don't know how long that basic is.


6 weeks at the max in San Antonio for basic. Then it's off for AIT, 11 weeks in Wichita Falls, TX.



Back to getting ready for me. I may drop in again later for a bit before I head off to the hotel for the night.



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Its cake walk, except for having to shave your head and cleaning the dust bunnies up every day! you'll see what i mean. whats your job and where are you trying to get stationed?


My head's already buzzed down as short as it can go... been that way before I decided to join, so I little more off the top won't hurt, lol. I'm going in for nuclear weapons apprentice. I'm lucky to get that position since it requires a high level of security clearance, and high scores on the asvab, but it tacks on 7 g's to my 13 - 18 g's for enlistment. I have no clue where I'll be stationed at to tell ya the truth. I'll be shooting for 1 of the 3 bases in Oklahoma so I won't be very far from my g/f and family. If not there, then bases in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, or Louisiana... that way I can make a one day trip to come visit everyone here in Oklahoma. If I can't get any of those, then I'd settle for any of the bases in California (paid trip to Glamis baby!!), Nevada, Arizona, Ohio (have a few friends there), Florida, or Mississippi. But who knows where I'll end up, all I know is the HQ will be coming with me. :D




that job has few places you can go, i think there is only a couple state side, i know barksdale AFB has nuclear weapons techinicians. i had a buddy of mine that worked there. he spent most of his time over seas. he finally decided to cross train into aircraft maintenance so he didnt have to spent most of his career over seas and could get closer to home. if you want PM me tonight and i can get you a couple of links to where you can possibly be stationed for your job, just in case you want to reconsider.

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That is a good job. I was in cruise missile maintenance for 10 years and watched those guys work. We call them indoor loaders. 2W2's I believe. Now I am involved with testing cruise missiles. Even more fun. Basic will be easy. Just let them play the mental game and it is easy. Once out of there life is good. Take it easy and see you in six weeks.

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Good luck screamin! Hopefully they wont send you to Alaska like they did me. i put down all of the south and i went wayyyy north but like everyone said, it's all mind game! take care...Get ready to sing that damn airforce song :D

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