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I'm Gonna Miss The Hq

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For those who don't care and think they'll be funny and post some ignorant remark... go ahead, I don't give a shit... I won't even read it until a few months from now. Just so you don't feel left out... here's something for ya... 4_3_5.gif


For those who do/might care... I'm leaving for the air force basic training tomorrow (Jan. 6th) for 6 weeks, during which time I won't be able to visit the HQ and stir the pot. After basic... I should be back on to give my usual replies, but will still be seperated from my shee, which will be locked in the shed with a seized up rear axle, no front rim/tire, and a layer of dust. I think I can survive the seperation until the shee and I are reunited. Oh yeah, won't see the g/f for a bit either. :rolleyes:


I'll miss most of you guys, but there are a few who I won't miss a bit... I only hope they leave the site before I'm back, but I won't hold my breath. <_<


See everybody in a few months!!



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shit man, leaving allready, have fun, i guess :rolleyes: and dont worry about the shee, when you get back send me those parts and before you know it, youll be out having a blast again. till then best of luck and hang in there. later

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