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Hangover Cures

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Seeing as how last night was new years eve and I did a way too much drinking, which awarded me with the worst got damd hangover in history. Well I have a cure that has worked for me every time.... quick, fast, and easy. Here it is:


Go grab you 2-4 tylenol/advil (headache shit)

20oz. 7up

Shake the 7up untill all the carbonation is out

Pop the pills and slam the 7upyours

I like to stack a breakfast sandwich on top of that just to ease the gut.


Less than 10-15 mins later i'm a changed man, thought my banshee bro's would like to know this tip. If you have a remedy of your own post it up.



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yeh my mom woke me up this mourning while i was in past out on our kitchen on the floor and let me know she cooked breakfast for me getta(sp) eggs bacon sausage hash browns toast and a can of coke what a nice lady. it helps but still feel kinda shitty and its like 6:30 in the after noon. ohh well i had a good time last night i just dont remember laying down in my kitchen or who even brought me home good times and i'll be off for another night of drinking and good times here in a few hours...

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LOL!!! Mike, my cure is in the prevention. I don't drink like I used to. I had 2 drinks last night and that was it. I have a fridge full of alky, but the desire to function over rides the need to drink... HAHA.... It used to be the other way around.


A hang over is caused by dehydration. Drink about 1/2 gal of water when you wake up. Nurse some through out the day. Drink some water with your alky too every now and again. It should help. Don't know exactly because I don't drink enough to get a hang over. Also, don't drink so much water that you are going to piss your self while you sleep. It would be bad enough waking up in someones tub, than to add piss stained clothes to the equation.

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my friend keith a couple months back was drinkin and got so damn drunk he went into the bath room to take a piss and never came out we found him passes out naked coverd in puke his shit and piss. it was disgusting so we let his girl clean him up cuz we sure as hell werent touchin him. luckly it was at his house so he had to deal with it.

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Don't drink that much!!

don`t drink at all! feb will be 10 years no nothing. i don`t miss hangovers 1 bit.my neice came over for dinner, she rolled outta bed at 3 pm. when she got here the look on her face gave me another day sober.

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Not a Drop for me. I feel great ,Played Monopoly with my kids. Told jokes, Laugh at all the dumb shit we all did last year Fireworks and we eat great too( taco party).

I can't remeber the Party's I went too when I was younger :( Last night was way fun and I still remeber it too.

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:blink: i'm only 15 so i have not yet drank enough to get a hang over or even drunk (even tho i know plenty of people my age have already) ( I only ever had like one glass of wine or somthing like that on holidays with family) any way just some of these storys about waking up in bath tubs in your own piss (as if it was any better then some one elses) and passing out in a puddel of shit and puke....I realy dont think I'll ever see an upside to getting drunk after hearing some of that.
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I had like 2 beers last night, puts me down like a double dose of Nyquil...dunno what it is about beer but I maybe have a few every month or so and I get sleeeeeepy before I get sick. Bicardi or Jose Cuervo on the other hand is some evil shit, too many a time I worshipped the prorcelain alter, got that shit outta my system before I even turned 21 :blink:

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hahahahah first night dam I got slammed last night learned a few new drinking games adn saw lots of naked women :) love alchol it brings the nasty out of women B) . Ok the best all time hangover cure DRUMMMMMMM ROLLLLLL please ............oxegen and water have you ever seen those o2 tanks that old people have thats 100% pure shiznit and it cures hangovers in 5 minutes flat then just drink lots of water because your probally dehydrated from alchol .OHHHHHHHH and one more thing If I know that I am going out to get shit faced I ussally pop a few tylonol before I go out or go to sleep

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well im 16 but ive had a few hangovers. not often tho cause the old mans an alcholic so i may have drank 3 times in my life thats about it. i have not once puked but i will say this. i have had alchol poisoning. or borderline anyway i had a hangover so bad my whole body had pins and needles. (thats what you get when you shoot a 40 in 10 minutes with 2 other guys) anyway best remedy i find is lots of water, lots of time on the bansheehq, start with simple food like frootloops or something (munch on em as you please, while drinking water NO MILK!) then as the day goes on after a few hours of casually munching frootloops, chillin on the hq. get up and go for a walk outside in the fresh air and take your time. go get yourself a real meal and eat that. now, you can drink yourself about 3 litres of water and not piss all day its normal lol. anyway good luck!

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