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Vito's Power Pistons

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Hi everyone, I have a question about Vito's power pistons. In their ad they say that these pistons are the ones for a ported motor, and they add 6 hp midrange with more low and midrange power. I would like to know how these make more power; are the port windows larger or what. I can see how the Super Stock pistons work, kind of like a poor mans port job. But what about the Power pistons, I'm going to get port work done and they(Vito's) say that the power pistons are the one's to use. Also, how durable are the Vito's pistons, or should I stay with the Wiseco's. Thanks.

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I have had a few sts of these. I am pretty sure the difference is the dome for a bit more compression and they have the intake windows located higher and the piston skirt is shorter so after the windows pass the intake ports so does the botom of the skirt. So basically bigger intake charge 90% sure on this. I personaly did not have good luck with these they ran hot and two sets in oneseason cracked the skirt, they did not come apart but they did crack. I have been running pro lites since with no problems the set in the shee is two years old and the compresion is going down so I will rebuild but no structural probs like vitos

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Iv been running a set of powerpistons succesfully for the past 3 years. I agree, the power increases prolly come from a combo of the raised dome, higher intake widows and thier skirt design. They might be lighter than a comparable sized Wiseco, I dunno.


Here's a few pictures I took. The Powerpiston is the one of the right, standard Wiseco on the left.





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