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What Do You Guys Do Besides Riding Your Shee?

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well nuthin has really changed from the last time this question was asked for me but i am still a good ol compulsive masterbator/ napper and sometimes i study up in pornology and some of the finer things in life well that and a full time job and a 12 pack a day keep the soberness away so i do as lil as possible.

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You mean we're supposed to RIDE THE SHEE!?!?!?!?

And all this time I thought all them quads was to keep the car outta the garage :o

Heck all this time I've been sittin' in front of the TV and bein' on ebay and BHQ at the same time.

Man I gotta get it together :blink:

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i never get to ride my shee so i guess it doesnt apply for me, i haven't been on it for shit over a year now, but when i do get some time i like ride snowmobile, drink lots of beer with my brother and dad, and i used to spend alot of time with my ex wife!

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And for the record, I ride year round and am a wage slave, I'd love to try sledding or jetskiing but location and income won't accomodate it.

jet skis are expensive as hell but a blast to ride.. it feels a lot faster on water than youre going on land. id love to get one but like you said, income doesnt permit i.t

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working 60 to 70 hrs a week and building up the muscles in my right arm using intense masturbating techniques.


oh and i love gardening, fishing, football, pornography, my cat GUS, my mice WOLFGANG and his mother JARRED, Camping, eating, sleeping and rooting.


i hate my new job. been there 3 weeks and want my boss dead. 2 years self employed spoiled me and now anyone who tells me what to do is a prick, no matter how nice they are.

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