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Stator Plate Modification


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or you can just pm scott m i think he still sells the modded ones for cheap or if you want to attempt it and mess up ill sell you mine for real cheap too. another option is rickey stators plate, i think its like 35 bucks. good luck. later


oh damn, i didnt realize its for a rz, if its the same plate as a banshee then your in there.

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Yeah its for the rz, but couldn't I line up the ricky stator one and the stock rz one to find out where + 0 degrees would be. Then I could just advance it from there.


For instince, the plate could read +4 but it would only really be advanced 2 or something like that. I guess thats kind of what I have been getting at all along.



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sure you can do that. if you could get an adjustable one and take the guess work out of it. i think the rickey stator one is adjustable but not certain. do the rz and shee have the same plate ? are the timing marks different on the rx and banshee ? i dont want to tell you false info if they are, im not to familier with the rz motor in that aspect being it is a shee motor or vise versa. meat has alot of info on his rz motor on www.thebansheezone.com if you want to check it out

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