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I have a mildly modified 89 with the trinity 1-2 cv 33 system. I have tried a few different premix's and they all seem to smoke like crazy. Some more that others. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what jetting they are running on a similar set up and if they ever noticed a change in exhaust smoke that they could attribute to a change in their premix oil or jetting. Or anything else for that matter. Also what about smoke less premix formulas?? Oh also I run 40 to 1


more right after I start it but pretty much forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever


The topend is fresh with 140psi on both sides. I was using Klotz techniplate R. I switched to Maxima M that is supposed to be smokeless formula yesterday. It cut down on the smoke some but it still smokes blue alot. Was also hoping to find someone with the cv 33 system just to see what jetting they run.

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