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Flat Spot Down Low


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My shee developed a flat spot right when I get on the gas. At less then 1/4 throttle its pretty boggy but at 1/4 it hits hard just like an extra powerband. It was really bad the other day so I pulled the carbs thinking that a pilot was gooped up. Cleaned em up and it was still doing it. Then I noticed that my carbs were way off sync. I fixed that and it helped alot but I can still feel just a hair of the old hesitation still. Any ideas on what to try next? Plugs looked rich before I did the sync with the left cylinder being obviously worse. Now they're looking better but the left one still seems darker. Compression is ok with the left cylinder being about 4 lbs less at 131 lbs. I was thinking that maybe it was time for some new reeds. Air screws are the same on both at about 1 1/4 turns out.

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Try different air screw settings....you should readjust the air screws from winter to summer...My shee likes the air screws at .5 turns out in the fall and winter, but 1.5 turns out in the summer....Also make sure your air cleaner is clean, and what about air box mods??? the cover will hurt throttle response a lot...

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Damn for some reason I just can't think of the pilot size right now. Thing is though, it ran fine a couple days before, under identical circumstances. Shouldn't be old gas either, its only 10 days old if that. Its really a minor thing now, but still, I'm paranoid.

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