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What Ratio Do You Run Shee

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You jet your bike to the oil ratio you use.


What kind of bull shit is that? You DON'T jet your carbs to what oil ratio you are using. You jet it according to plug readings, and how much air your motor can pull in and get out. What you stated here:

some run a larger jet to compensate for less oil, and others do visa versa.

is true to a "t", however, I have never seen anyone take a jump in their oil ratio mix large enough to warrant a jetting change. While it is a good idea to check your jetting with ay sort of change from the norm, be it temperature, or modification(s) or a fuel change, or elevation change. You still do not base a jetting decision on what type of oil and what mix you run. That is just pure nonsense. I have NEVER heard someone say, "Oh, you are mixing at 40:1, so you should be running a 290 main jet!" Just doesn't happen. You check your plugs and jet the bike accordingly. I could see if you were switching from 20:1 to 100:1. But going from 32:1 from 40:1 I would say would almost NEVER require a jetting chhange. And Wizard, it sounds like you either have too rich of jetting, or your top end is unhealthy. What mods do you have? 35's are wicked big to be running on anything short of a drag bike. I would jet leaner and check the plugs..

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to jet leaner do i go bigger jets or smaller jets and my bike has fmf fattys power core silincers the 35mm carbs not running a air box v force reeds pro air intake milled head bored .60 over and a for more lil thing this is that thing i use to run klots super plate at 16 oz for 5 gallons and i ran it to hard for that mixture i blow it up so the guy how built mine told me to run it this way and it would foul out more plugs though had hes was rite it will foul more plugs for dang sure

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Does it even idle?? 58 pilots are huge. I was running 50 pilots when I had my 34's.... W/ my 58 pilots, my shee wouldn't idle and constantly had to rev it out to clean it out...W/ those mods, your losing hp. Go back to stock. I lost 8hp from the larger carbs on my shee....you need porting to get the benefits from larger carbs... W/ my 34's and my mods listed below, I was running a 50 pilot, 165 mains. Try adjusting the air screws and see where your shee idles the highest and has better throttle response.. If your shee likes the air screws less then 1 turn out, then try a larger pilot. If your air screws like to be more than 1.5 turns out, then try a smaller pilots.....let us know what you come up w/...

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