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1st Quad Crash


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I have had my share of crashes and broken bones (due to bmx), but in May I experienced my first hard crash on my Banshee. My buddy took me to a practice track for a couple of local Motocross racers. The guys I was riding with were all riding dirtbikes and not jumping anything so I figured if I started jumping something they would too. I found a nice 40 foot double and hit it a few times with no with problem and they still wouldn't hit anything. So I spotted a 50' right into another 50'. I railed the burn in 2cd hit 3rd wipe open and I was f-cked. While I was mid air I knew I was screwed the front end lifted way to high, when the back tires hit the top of the landing the front of the quad slammed down throwing my head into the bars knocking me out. The next thing I knew I was laying on the ground with my quad about 15' passed me upside down. My buddy said the front bumper of the quad hit the ground flipping me and the quad forwards I landed on my ass and the quad hit the back of my head. I ended up driving myself to the hospital to find out I had fractured the L1 disk in my back and it was sitting up against my spinal cord (1/4" more and I would not be walking right now) A couple weeks later I entered my first race and placed 3rd. God I love quads.

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No kidding... It's good to hear stories with happy endings.... more than likely you were wearing a helmet since you're still alive and able to type after a wreck like that, which just adds another point towards the proof that helmet's do save lives and you shouldn't ride without one.

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Yes a helmet is always a must for me. I want ride anything without it. I'll have to get a pic of my helmet of it you can tell where my shee wacked the back of it.


Not all stories end good my buddy died on his 400ex when he went head first into a pole without a helmet. I think a helmet could have keeped him alive.

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hey if the front end goes high like that, grab the clutch and stomp the rear brake, it should bring the front back down. just some info for next time

or just go ahead and bail off, the bikes getting banged up anyhow, no sense having it hit you....nothing worse than eating it and having 400 pounds slam into you.....

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I stomped the hell outa the back brake and bailing didn't even cross my mind all I could think of was how bad it was going to hurt when I hit. The Doc couldn't promise me anything he said if I had trouble down the road I might have to surgery to secure the disk in place.

Locogato I broke my collarbone too. It took seven screws and a plate to put it back together. Damm that hurt.

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