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Suddam Hussein Was Captured


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they are going to excuite him now right?


Na, prolly not, they're sayin Saddam hired that same high profile lawer that Mike Jackson is using, Saddam will probably get probation and has to attend anger managment classes.


Seriously tho, I doubt they will execute him. France and Germany would have a hissy fit if we did that.

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They are going to hold in on trial in Iraq for something he did to the people of Iraq. Whatever that could of been? I bet someone kills him before he hits trial there so no execution will be necessary.

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Our government might want them to try him because they will be able to punish (execute) him in a way that the ACLU would raise hell about if we did it. I would think security is going to be difficult. There are a lot of groups that would like to kill him and a lot of groups that would like to rescue him. It's going to be interesting.

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That guy is worth alot in political capital.Milk him for all info on hidden arms and chemical weapons storage.If we find that thay do exist,all those in the UN that apposed the war will be squirming in thier seats. Democrats hate the dow is above 10,000 and that we found Hussein.We might also get more info on what in the hell is going on in N.Korea and what relations really existed with France.

You can't lock him up just yet!!!!!!!!!!

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good that will shut some of you Liberals up for a little while

Sadly I think its the nature of the liberal to either find something trivial to complain about of just make something up. They will probably say that "this isn't the real Saddam, its a body double" and shit like that. They are sad pathetic souls that are experts at splitting hairs and grabbing at straws.

Congratulations to the USA, the Iraqi people, and us here at the HQ. Chances are slim that any of those land/gun/rights grabbing jerks are going to get into the White House next year.

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