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Suddam Hussein Was Captured


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Great we caught Saddam, but little has changed really...Like he has a whole lot of power left right now anyways...Bush failed to find chemical weapons of mass distruction,it just makes him look worse.


edit: then again i think we know the real reason we invaded iraq, in which case the problem has been solved.


What about Bin Laden, he is the one who cordinated the attack against us?


Even so, Bush's war will continue...

hiltler never did anything to us either, justine, sometimes the badder dude just needs to kick the bullies ass, bush would have had a hard time selling that to us in 2002 but back in hitlers days, americans wernt pussies, everyone says "what did sadamm do to us" well actually nothin really, but hey shit that doesnt mean we should stand by and watch him f*ck people, all the weapons of destruction crap is because americans have become turn the other cheek wimps, when women are gettin raped and people being shot on the streets of LA and people dont want to get involved and didnt see anything, just means if he's not bothering me fuckem, allthough our goverment has done some dasterdly shit as well......

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hiltler never did anything to us either, justine, sometimes the badder dude just needs to kick the bullies ass, bush would have had a hard time selling that to us in 2002 but back in hitlers days, americans wernt pussies, everyone says "what did sadamm do to us" well actually nothin really, but hey shit that doesnt mean we should stand by and watch him f*ck people, all the weapons of destruction crap is because americans have become turn the other cheek wimps, when women are gettin raped and people being shot on the streets of LA and people dont want to get involved and didnt see anything, just means if he's not bothering me fuckem, allthough our goverment has done some dasterdly shit as well......

I knew you all would not like my answer...I agree kill the fucker...I just feel that there are more important problems on the home front (Here in the US) that take just as many american lives (actualy more) that could be solved at a fraction of the cost, and nothing is done to stop it (Maybe free healthcare for example?). We are the biggest economic bully in existance right now, we repress and exploit hundreads of thousands of workers in other countries to make things cheaper for capitalists instead of employing needy people in our own country at decent wages. Ok its not really "us" doing the repressing or for "ourselves" its for the gready capitalist pigs that dictate our lives for us and that make the average American look selfish and greedy. They pit us against eachother for jobs and wages to keep us buisy while they make the profits while using bureaucracy to legitimize themselves and create a social dislexia for the rest of us.


Hitler was another story all together, Sadam has no where near as much power as Hitler had, and the reasons why we are fighting Sadam are compleatly different. Although they are both huge assholes that needed to be stopped. I just don't like it when they have to hide behind bulshit reasons for fighting it makes us look bad. And if any of you think we haven't killed thousands of innocent people over in Iraq need to think again because I can gaurantee we have killed as many innocent people over there as were killed in Sept 11th if not more...Now im in no way taking sides as to wether or not we should be over there, or as to who attacked who first, just stating the facts that the average American does not want to hear. The media wants us all to feel so rightous but other things are still going on over there. I want some payback for Sept 11th also, what those terrorists did is inexcusable but that does not mean we should have killed even more innocent people to make ourselves feel better. Innocent people are innocent people. Perhaps now things will get better though, now that they do not have to live in fear. Yea his people hate him, but they also don't like us either so go figure.


I give my support to the American and Coalition soldiers fighting in the war 100%. And I agree 100% with the statement that americans are sceen as typicaly selfish by other nations. Now lets watch us take 90% of the profits to be made over there and divy up the last 10% between the other nations that have helped us out and given up their lives and family for Bush's war also.

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i see your point justine and agree, its like 6 of one half dozen the other to me.......sadamm as there leader put them in the position they are in....... we warned him and warned him and warned him did we not?.....and you might want to watch the news people are celebrating, dancing in the streets that the fuckers gone....its the same prick assholes that bombed us that dont want us there...and if you dont think that cost us a plenty your wrong...we could hand it all over to spain for sending there 10 guys over to watch us fight...or give the pussie french that dissed us a cut.......the innocent people on the whole that got killed is because those bastards set up misiles in a school yard and start fireing at us, we send a guided misle up the guys ass, is it our fault he surrounded himself by school kids, that if they try to run get shot......how do you fight a guy that just kicks you in the balls? ask him to please stop? we are one of the few countries that dont strap bombs to kids nor put ak-47's in there hands and push them out the door to get blasted....see i think we are talking like those people were free and we came over and spilled the milk, how many pictures of "Bush" do you have hanging in your home? how many statues of him do you see driving through your city, do you think bush has a few billion dollars of our money stashed under his bed while your kids are dying of starvation ..........and i agree id like to see our people get all our cash for our kids and elderly, but the USA provides more aid to others than all the other countries combined, the whole thing is a mess if you ask me.....but as usual you and i are free to talk about it and go ride our bikes.....others arnt that lucky

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they should torcher him like snap his teeth in half with plyers and rub tin foil on it then pull the rest of the tooth out with the plyers then they should pull out his finger and toe nails,take a razor blade and slice his gums....they should have torchered him did u guys see the pix of him and that hole he was in. OMG!!but i would do the same if a whole army wanted to get me ;)















i spelled torcher wrong right?

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(Maybe free healthcare for example?).


gready capitalist pigs


Sadam has no where near as much power as Hitler had, and the reasons why we are fighting Sadam are compleatly different. 


Yea his people hate him, but they also don't like us either so go figure.


Bush's war

wow, textbook liberal socialist... :blink::lol:

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i see your point justine and agree, its like 6 of one half dozen the other to me.......sadamm as there leader put them in the position they are in....... we warned him and warned him and warned him did we not?.....and you might want to watch the news people are celebrating, dancing in the streets that the fuckers gone....its the same prick assholes that bombed us that dont want us there...and if you dont think that cost us a plenty your wrong...we could hand it all over to spain for sending there 10 guys over to watch us fight...or give the pussie french that dissed us a cut.......the innocent people on the whole that got killed is because those bastards set up misiles in a school yard and start fireing at us, we send a guided misle up the guys ass, is it our fault he surrounded himself by school kids, that if they try to run get shot......how do you fight a guy that just kicks you in the balls? ask him to please stop? we are one of the few countries that dont strap bombs to kids nor put ak-47's in there hands and push them out the door to get blasted....see i think we are talking like those people were free and we came over and spilled the milk, how many pictures of "Bush" do you have hanging in your home? how many statues of him do you see driving through your city, do you think bush has a few billion dollars of our money stashed under his bed while your kids are dying of starvation ..........and i agree id like to see our people get all our cash for our kids and elderly, but the USA provides more aid to others than all the other countries combined, the whole thing is a mess if you ask me.....but as usual you and i are free to talk about it and go ride our bikes.....others arnt that lucky

Please, Justine is a girls name :P


Can't argue with what your saying either, as long as you realize that we are the ones to appointed Sadam to his position in the first place, and gave him many of the weapons that he currently owned.


Again by "we" I mean the capitalists who represent us.


Nothing wrong with makeing profits either, but if capitalism was about making profits they would call it profitalism.

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Now lets watch us take 90% of the profits

Are you F'ing kidding me? How about we take the $$$ that is going to be used to rebuild that shit hole and use it to remove some of the trees that you most likely hug. you have got to be kidding me. Perhaps you didn't see the towers go down? Or have any family members that were killed. I am not sure, the last time I saw a 9 year old KID with a bomb strapped to his chest and a rifle in his hands walking down the streets in the US??? Yep, but cruel and unusual punishment is out of the question. It is people like yourself that put an end to all that and puts people like Saddam into power and let him run free.... He didn't do ANYTHING wrong. Ever wonder why everything is the way it is today???? Because people want something to cry about.

we repress and exploit hundreads of thousands of workers in other countries to make things cheaper for capitalists instead of employing needy people in our own country at decent wages

It's because the people in this country come here and exploit our systems to their advantage. People that are in other countries have to work. FOr whatever they can. There is no drive to work. I could probably make more on welfare and free food stamps than I could actualy working. But you know what, I REFUSE to do that. I can't let myself be a lazy piece of shit like that. In other countries, there are no such systems in place. Try to find a mexican that has been collecting welfare and unemployment checks. America is filled with lazy pieces of crap. Everyone wants something for nothing. And they are the first people to bitch about something such as what has been going on.

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Now lets watch us take 90% of the profits

Are you F'ing kidding me? How about we take the $$$ that is going to be used to rebuild that shit hole and use it to remove some of the trees that you most likely hug. you have got to be kidding me. Perhaps you didn't see the towers go down? Or have any family members that were killed. I am not sure, the last time I saw a 9 year old KID with a bomb strapped to his chest and a rifle in his hands walking down the streets in the US??? Yep, but cruel and unusual punishment is out of the question. It is people like yourself that put an end to all that and puts people like Saddam into power and let him run free.... He didn't do ANYTHING wrong. Ever wonder why everything is the way it is today???? Because people want something to cry about.

we repress and exploit hundreads of thousands of workers in other countries to make things cheaper for capitalists instead of employing needy people in our own country at decent wages

It's because the people in this country come here and exploit our systems to their advantage. People that are in other countries have to work. FOr whatever they can. There is no drive to work. I could probably make more on welfare and free food stamps than I could actualy working. But you know what, I REFUSE to do that. I can't let myself be a lazy piece of shit like that. In other countries, there are no such systems in place. Try to find a mexican that has been collecting welfare and unemployment checks. America is filled with lazy pieces of crap. Everyone wants something for nothing. And they are the first people to bitch about something such as what has been going on.

tree huger?

Sadam never did anything wrong?


Dude wtf are you getting this stuff? You said it boon, not I.


So your suggesting that slave labor is the solution to unemployment in other countries? Man you really have bought into the stuff the media uses to justify corruption and low wages. Think about it this way, in the short run, yes they are getting labor, but int he long run, they will be no better off than before, and neither will those people in need of jobs or higher wages in the US. Only the owners of the large corperations are the ones benefiting. If it costs 1$ to make a shoe, and we are paying $100 for it then wheres the price break we get for using slave labor?


All I said is that the way our government is run, makes us, the people look bad in the eyes of other nations. If you don't beleive be why don't you go ask some other nations about how they feel about Americans?


Your right about the min wage though, thats for sure, and thats one of the problems that could easily be solved if people in the US would stop outsourcing slave like labor to other countries. Why do you think the USA has never had 100% employment (Meaning those that want to work can, ie. not crippled people etc) Its because this way they can keep us undercutting eachother, if they actualy needed people to work, the owners of the corperations would have to pay us more if they needed us to work. Im not so sure they are lazy pieces of crap (yes there will always be some) but rather that they never had the chance to work a job that payes a decent wage. Why not? Because people in the US can always take advantages of other countries where they have nothing at all.


Re-read my post, im glad they captured him, and there is no punishment too cruel or unusual to repay Sadam.


I love my country and my state, but that does not mean that we should not point out problems when they arise.


Did you know that .003% of our population owns 80% of the wealth (yes thats how rich our country is)? its these capitalists who get something for nothing, not the people who are willing to work for a living, or the majority of those that are on welfare because they are trapped. Not coming down on you or anything, your one of the most helpful members of ths forum that I know of. And I'm not trying to be the popular one here, because going against the mentality of the majority of people will never win you the popular vote.

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So your suggesting that slave labor is the solution to unemployment in other countries?


Not at all. I am merely saying that the reason that the corporations can get all this cheap labor is because there aren't any systems in place in the slave labor countries. Unions have driven this country to a ridiculous level. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You took my post the complete wrong way. I am in NO WAY advocating the labor practices of large corporations these days.


Because people in the US can always take advantages of other countries where they have nothing at all.


This is entirely true. I do not care to get into a political debate, however, The thoughts of people on the issues in iraq are sickening. People just don't htink with a clear head. I bet if they were looking that plane in the face, or narrowly escaped a burning tower they would be singing a very different tune. People these days forget what it took to get where we are today. they think the aorld can just be peaceful. Not with little POS individuals like Saddam and that other pickle licker over there Bin Laden running rampant while everyone stands by listening to their harp playing all damn day while they sift through pages of their readers digest and watch days of our lives 24-7. Kind of pisses me off a little. And the part of my post about Saddam not doing anything wrong was suposed to be punctuated with a question mark (?) and not a period. Don't know what the hell I was thinking. Sorry about that. That little twirp deserves to be disembowled on national TV. but, that won't happen. he won't get the death sentence. Because the world is filled with too many pussies that won't allow for it... or raise holy hell if it did happen. i can't believe that we are gonna rebuild that POS country over there. They can do it themselves. Screw us here, more and more, while the tycoons get deeper pockets. Seems to be the way things are going...

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oh, i have to agree then, except im not a tree hugger! :P


I just wanted to point out that although its good to get rid of Sadam, we can't expect other nations to think that what we are doing is good, when we put him in power in the first place. Or that we should feel like such a great country to get rid of him, when we never should have put that uhhh pickle licker in power to begin with :)

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