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Suddam Hussein Was Captured


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Great we caught Saddam, but little has changed really...Like he has a whole lot of power left right now anyways...Bush failed to find chemical weapons of mass distruction,it just makes him look worse.


edit: then again i think we know the real reason we invaded iraq, in which case the problem has been solved.


What about Bin Laden, he is the one who cordinated the attack against us?


Even so, Bush's war will continue...

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were going to wind up taking over that entire region within a few years...its the only way if we want to end all fighting over there....were in this for the long haul...i have friends that go to west point, only freshmen, and they know they are going to be in combat 4 years from now...they get alot of intel that the civilian world doesn't though...


i say we kill em' all and let allah sort em' out

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they both deserve to die, but killing Sadam without finding chemical weapons or evidence of terrorism on the US will not look good in the eyes of other countries.

Thats why they should have shot him on sight, could have said he was killed in the line of fire.

I dont think he will say shit about anything, unless they send him over to veitnam or something where they can use better methods of interagation without getting in trouble.

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Justinintoxicated, you haven't figured out why we are in Iraq and Afganistan? It is to occupy those robe wearing pices of shit while we do a little C.Y.A. here in the U.S.A. If Islamic Jihad, Hammas, and other terror orgs. are busy fighting/expending their capitol in their own neighborhood, it is less likely to happen here. We are in World War 3. Christianity V. Islam. I would rather it happen there than here. Saddam is a pussy. He wanted young people to kill themselves, but he was a COWARD when he came face to face with the troops. I thought he would have put up a fight.

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it seems to me that all you proud americans are forgetting one thing, there are over 3000 non american soldiers over there fighting alongside your guys so this is not just an american victory, it is a coalition victory.


i was disgusted when i heard the press release by that slimy prick (whos name i have forgotten) saying that YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE GOT HIM then he proceeded to say how it was america this and america that but not a mention of the australian and brittish troops who are over thwere dodging bullets and missing there spouses just as much. americans are stereotypically selfish people(not saying all of you are) and this was a real eye opener for me, bush can come here and visit and thank the australian people for their support and say how it couldnt have been done without us etc. but when they have a breakthrough such as this we dont get a mention. its all about you. so all i ask is that you give a little thought to the dead and injured aussies and poms also the americans but dont draw a line between them, we are all fighting the same battle.

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good call sneeky i agree with you this was not just an american war there are other ppl there besides us americans. i think it was a good and bad thing that we didnt kill him on sight because he is a prick and may be willing to rat others out because he knows he will die and since he didnt come with a fight he may infact be willing to cooperate since he has nothing left to loose the only down fall that i see on him not being shot on sight is that i personally want him dead just bcus i dont like him for what he has done to his ppl and got away with for so damn long.

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