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Tusk Clutch Kits

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hey guys. i got a new rockymountain atv book in the mail the other day and noticed there's a company named TUSK that makes clutches. well the point is that my bro's raptor's clutch gave out this weekend and i was thinkin bout gettin a new clutch for my banshee just to have a spare since i was gonna order one and the clutches are like 40 bucks with heady duty springs.does anyone have one? cas if they're just as good as anything else i'll get 2 haha? it's just that 37.99 seems pretty cheap for a FULL clutch kit and i don't wanna put a shitty cluch in either of our yamaha's!

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I am starting to believe that most all name brand clutches (Stock, Barnette, EBC, Alba, Toomey, Vito's. etc.) perform the same providing that heavy duty clutch springs are used. Can anyone prove this theory wrong?

Most people here seem to use Barnette with no problems. There are also people that use the Toomey or even stock setup with heavy duty springs with no problems.

I bet even with my mods, the Tusk setup with Barnette springs would perform similarly too my EBC race EP Kevlar clutch.

Lets see: I paid $143 for the EBC and the Tusk is only $29 w/o springs. I bet 5 Tusk kits would outlast the 1 EBC clutch kit. for the price.

I might have to try this :blink:

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kev you brought up a good point sure my tusk clutch will probably last abotu half as long as your exspinsive clutch but hell 29 bucks you can beat that and i can aford to replace it i was running a half worn out clutch in my ported banshee had no problems even its all about the springs i think

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We'll I believe I'm sold on it, I was debating the EBC kit for 75 vs. the barnett for 110, but I don't need to do the math to figure out the tusk comparison. Hell I may even use there so called heavy duty springs, they can't be that bad. I'll sure in the hell find out if they are. ;)

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We'll I believe I'm sold on it, I was debating the EBC kit for 75 vs. the barnett for 110, but I don't need to do the math to figure out the tusk comparison.  Hell I may even use there so called heavy duty springs, they can't be that bad.  I'll sure in the hell find out if they are. ;)

I have both the Barnette springs and the EBC "heavy duty" springs. The Barnette springs are way more stiff. The EBC's are only 10% stiffer over stock. The EBC springs felt like stock at the clutch lever so I used the Barnettes instead. All depends on you application I guess.

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i never heard that before but it is possible dirtclod20. i know "custom" kits have been posted in the old forums. who ever listed the clutch fibers,plates and even springs gave part numbers and everything. i thought about going that route but i don't kno which fibers,plates ,springs were mentioned and/or even what they were from

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