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Tusk Clutch Kits

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I am starting to believe that most all name brand clutches (Stock, Barnette, EBC, Alba, Toomey, Vito's. etc.) perform the same providing that heavy duty clutch springs are used. Can anyone prove this theory wrong?

Most people here seem to use Barnette with no problems. There are also people that use the Toomey or even stock setup with heavy duty springs with no problems.

I bet even with my mods, the Tusk setup with Barnette springs would perform similarly too my EBC race EP Kevlar clutch.

Lets see: I paid $143 for the EBC and the Tusk is only $29 w/o springs. I bet 5 Tusk kits would outlast the 1 EBC clutch kit. for the price.

I might have to try this :blink:

And the kit with the heavy duty springs is still only $34.99 Thats a little less than 1/3 the cost of the EBC. Tusk clutch kit with heavy duty springs.

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ya ,maybe they'll make decent o ring chains for like 5 mucks a pc haha. would be awful nice to have a bunch of spare chains lyin around u kno. but if they're stuff has a lifetime warranty its just another good thing to go along with em. anybody else on here running one or have any past experience with them? or comments about them?

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry i haven't posted in awhile i had trouble logging in recently. BUT well a friend took my bansheee out 2day while while i was changin the clutch in my brothers raptor and well when he got back i found that he smoked my clutch pretty good so b4 it goes i'm gonna order a new one. . . i'm also in need of an axle now too. i heard i'm better off spendin a little more now on the LSR axcaliber axle cas of the warranty. so i'm diein to kno how the tusk kits holdin up for u guys cas for 30 bucks i was gonna try it,i'd be savin 60 or 70 that could go towards an axle.

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