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Easiest Way To Remove Stock A-arms


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I am removing the old a-arms and dont want to ruin them what the best way to get them of and out of the spindles.I thought about using a ball joint pickle but, wont that ruin the seals on ball joints ???? anyt idea's are appreciated

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Hit the spindle where the ball joint goes through. I do the same by backing off the nut almost until its off but I dont hit the nut/balljoint itself. You can ruin th threads that way. If you hit the spindle a few times the tie rod/ball joint will basicly fall out. You wont hurt anything that way either, so dont be affraid to give it a whack!

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I was changing spindles like it was going out of style with the snomoshee. Now, anything that is taper locked, (like a spindle ball joint, or a ball joint or tie rod end on a car) can be seperated by hitting the side of the piece that is connected to the ball joint. Be sure that you loosen the nut first. Please do not hit the threads on the stud, as a stubborn ball joint may not come out this way.

Here is a pic to hopefully help you...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Pull the castle nut off the ball joints and smack it a few times with a BRASS hammer. The brass is much softer than the steel of the ball joints. You'll munge up the hammer and not the threads. You can also use a large brass drift punch with your regular steel BFH to accomplish the same thing.

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The clymer manual has a drawing for making your own ball joint separator. I made one and it works slick. You can also make one out of an old flywheel removal tool which works on the same princple. You basically have a hollow cylinder that uses a bolt threaded into the cylinder to push the joint out. It fits between the arms over the threaded ends of the joints and applies pressure to the joint. The pickle fork while it works will destroy the boot. And once the boot is ripped you might as well throw the arm out. Avoid using the hammer as you can't get a good straight shot onto the end of the joint.



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