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I Got Shafted!


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ok so here's what happen had the carbs off to clean put them back on everthing was ok went riding yesterday in the snow throught the streets of my town for like a 1/2 hour and noticed the throttle responce wasn't so good so i checked the plugs and they were fine but cleaned them off anyway, well after puting them in i go to kick start and the fuckin kickstarter is locked oh was i pissed so i move it back and forth still stuck had oil in just don't know what the f*ck to do i guess i need a new top end. the bike is stock except for k&n, boost bootle, i was wondering what cuased this, what pistons i should go with, who i should send my motor to, maybe there's somthing i can do i got the clymers if that helps please any help would be great i have pipes on the way for chrismas and want this bad boy running by then maybe i should get port work at the same time don't want to spend more that 600-1000 dollars sorry for the novel but it was the easiest to explain oh also it's a 2002 and i ride everyday for aleast 2 hours a day and the wekends like 5 hours a day so maybe it does need a fresh topend thanks again for anyhelp.


so my question is what should i do, what topend, who to do it, and what porting to do

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Holy crap you ride at least 2 hours a day????????????????? I think you ride your shee more than anyone in here. As for the kickstarter problem you need to see if the pistons will go up and down to see if it is just related to the kickstarter alone. There is serveral ways to do this. The one I can think of is take off the head and try pushing the pistons down and see if that works. Is the bike stuck in gear too????

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slow down man, first off it sounds like your crank may be fucked, sounds like you may be doing a whole top end, get it ported by a local shop, a napa can bore it, get weisco pistons, and hope and pray that your cranks allright, if its not then go to a stroker because they kick ass, but its gonna cost you quite a bit of cash

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"Holy crap you ride at least 2 hours a day????????????????? I think you ride your shee more than anyone in here. As for the kickstarter problem you need to see if the pistons will go up and down........"

another way to do this is to put it in gear if it isnt already in gear and push it back and forth. if the wheels move and yopu hear the engine slowly compressing and trying to fire then you are fine. if it doesnt then your fucked. the engine could be seized, caused by a leeking gasket the water will escape from the engine as it flows throo leaving nothing in the radiator. this will cause the engine to over heat and then eventually seize. let me no how it goes!!!!

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hey tithead i was on snow so i really wasnt able to see they would just slide i left it at my friends house tomm i'm gonna pick it up and see if i could push it back and forth in my garage i tryed jumping it which prob wasn't a good idea but it just was sliding on the snow. so when i get it home i'll take off the head and see if i could push the pistons down if i could move them then what do i due,,, and if they don't move then what do i do then. thanks for all the help guys


and no i did not re-jet after the k&n and it ran rine a year&half of alot of abuse

and i also noticed that there was oil leaking from the bottom of the case but i saw that when put the clutch i must of kinkedthe gasket but i checked the oil and there was oil in there so idk but i gonna try what u guys said thanks

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if it doesn`t move then you need to fully strip down the engine i think. iv never had a seized engine before. i was told if you strip it and leave it in petrol then it should be fine. it either that or you get a new engine

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There could be a couple things. Hopefully the eclip on the kick starter came off and caused no damage but I douhgt it. Sounds like it locked up when you were riding it. Worst case, Crank bit the dust. If you're already looking at porting, you should drop a stroker crank in it..... if the crank is bad.


Did you check the ring gap before putting the pistons in? Also, did you have the cylinders bored? If so, and the top end is what's locked up it could be the ring gap or to tight of a bore.


Like said above, put it in gear and push it. If the pistons can make a full revoulution, you may be in luck.

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hey fixitrod its totally stock the way it came from the dealer just k&n and boostbot

i tried putting it in gear and moving it back&forth but no luck its just locked what do u suggest i do i really rather not mess with but if there's something i can do let me know this is a bummer i ride everyday and this is killing me. who do u or anyone else trust with sending ur engine to to have work done like the whole thing teardown,inspection everthing. i have like 600-1000 to spend plus i'm getting pipes for christmas of my choice so help me out with some input please i want this done right the first time. thanks everyone been really helpfull.oh yea i have clymers u think i could do most of the work or just nah give to the place? thanks for the repies keep um coming.

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Get your clymers out. Between that and the banshee hq, you'll have no trouble doing it yourself. Start by tearing the topend down. It may be the crank. If so, you'll have to split the cases too. You'll need some tools.


Most builders are busy right now but I use Andy at grand river racing. There are plenty of builders that will do a good job for you though.


If you have tools, dig in.


Where are you located??

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i'm located in new jersey i willing to send it out but i have tools so i guess i'll take the first steps and check the top end i'll let u know when i get the head off thats when ill start needing a little assistance or should i try calling some places berfore i do i guess i'll check the top end just incase its that i'm sure i can do that my self with ur guys helps besides boring and honing. ill get back to u thanks.

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I think you'll find it not to be to bad. I took the whole motor apart and out in 2hrs. I spent a whole day putting it back together though... I was very picky.


Do you have a digital camera? If so, you can post the pics or email them to me and I'll post them for you. We'll see what people think. I thought my topend was shot and it ended up being the crank. I put a 4mm stroker in and it ended up being about 1300 or so with grand river racing pro port and head mod for the 4mm crank. That's top end ported, bored, pistons, crank, and gaskets.


If you were happy with the way it ran, you can rebuild it for a lot less.... Even if it is the crank. A lot of people sell their stock crank in order to go stroker.


If it the top end, you'll only have $200 - $300 in it. Good luck. It's really not to bad.


The reason I asked where you were was to see if you were close. I would have given you a hand.

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fixitrod thanks alot you been really helpful and that whole 1300 dollar deal didn't sound to bad is that installed or no probably not but it's ok anyway i got the book and u guys and a digital camera so extra help later would awsome. thanks again

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