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Best Vehicle For The Snow

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What wont get stuck in the snow? And costs under 15,000.00? Is there anything as good as a hummer H1? I need to get to work even if there is alot snow/ice. I was thinking of a jeep with oversized tires. I would like to stay away from jeeps since I knoww of 2 people that were killed in them. One person was going around a corner in town. His jeep rolled and the gas tank somehow blew up and him and the passengers were burned to death. Also anoth guy rolled down the mountian and died. How about a pickup or blazer, maybe a lift kit? Maybe a factory with chaines? What do you think is the most snow capable vehical? Also I would like to put a plow on it.

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My bronco works great. My mom has a bronco too, there good cuz they have weight over the rear end, unlike pick ups. They all have 4x4. And my moms is used for plowin ours, and our neighbrs driveways. Good driver in the winter, as long as u buy a good set of tires.

M1 Abrams would be nice.

Had a CJ7 for yrs, used it for plowin, it was too light for plowing, but had a shizzle load of power to push with.


What bout one of those weird plow trucs with tracs that they use at the north pole?


Anyways, just my input, but as long as u get a 4x4, and some decent weight, it'll work. Peace out.

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How about a factroy truck/blazer with 4 wheel drive and 4 wheel chaines? How much weight do you put in the back and do you use salt bags? Who makes a better slipery snow driving trans mission and drive train? Ford, chevy, toyota, jeep?


What is the biggest with tires and lift kits should you go if you want it for use and not something to look at? Can you get chaines for over sized tires? Stock tires with chaines vs Over size tires wiothout chains?

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god damn dude u must be rich your buying all this shit or at least you want to. how old are you any way? i understand ur a new guy to banshees and so i am for the most part but damn you cant be that new to everything can you jesus i call bs on ur jeep blowing up thing and everything else you have ever said but to answer your pointless question becuase your not buying any of what you have mentioned jeeps are fine and i could see a bronco or a nice truck being alot of fun in the snow i dont even know why i answered cuz its like talking to a rock cuz i garuntee your just going to reword the same question you asked about banshee and alpy it to something else like you have in all ur other post... like how do i not roll my jeep when i turn to the left and not to the right and how do i not flip my 4x4 when climbing the steep pile of bull shit i have left on this site... :blink:

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ok man, everyone in the north has to ride in snow, alot of people do it in frigen cars, so where do you live where if theres so much snow you need a h1 with tire chains and they dont close where you go to work? alaska outback?

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